Does Drano really work??

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiggibow, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Okay so the sink in the bathroom I share with my roommate is failing bad

    It's like a race with the water level when I'm washing my face, and you can't leave it on for more then a minute or two without it filling up to the top

    Too much hair from shaving/too much bong resin is probably what happened here, and my question to you Blades is:

    Do you think Drano, or (insert recommendation here), will work to unclog this thing?
    I don't want to go buy the stuff only to find out it doen't work haha
  2. Google Liquid Fire.It's literally acid.
  3. Does the Pope help catholic priests get away with their crimes?
  4. Depends, cause if it's grime build-up/residue, then it might work. But if it's hair or something else causing the blockage, you're out of luck. You just gotta try the Drano, cause it's the cheapest first option, next is

  5. Thanks guys!

    but qwerty man, what exactly is that thing? Looks expensive haha, do you think you could accomplish the same thing with some sort brush?
  6. i work at a hardware store and drano is a temporary fix... it'll help kill some of the shit in your drain but it'll be all clogged up again a week later.
  7. drano max gel is good stuff try that and if that doesn't work you might need to buy a snake, which is what qwerty man showed. they shouldn't be THAT expensive i don't think. also look at other drano products they give you a guide on the back of the bottles for the types of clogs it works on.
  8. hahah I'm scared to use a snake and see all the nasty ass shit that comes out of there,

    drain was already kinda clogged when we moved in so who knows whats down there
  9. one time when i unclogged my drain i found a superman action figure

    what. the. fuck.
  10. I'm in the exact same situation lmao. I'll be washing my face and not realize the sinks filled up and I'm using dirty ass water to rinse off.

  11. i need this for my shower. Pipesnake ftw.
  12. When my drain clogs, I put on gloves and pull out what's clogging it, then I put baking soda down the drain, pour down vinegar and put a bowl over the drain so it foams inside, and leave that for ten minutes. Then I pour boiling water(a whole pot full, you need a fair amount) down the drain. This works every time for me, its cheap, effective and safe. You probably have all these things laying around the house. Stuf like draino is awful to be breathing in and if you get that stuff on your skin its bad news. Just thought id offer a cheap and easy way to do it :wave:

  13. /thread

    seriously this little device will save you so much trouble with pipes clogging....

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