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Does dabbing produce strong smelling vapor?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by patty-ant, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. I'm gradually starting to use cannabis and I was considering dabbing. But, I can't have strong smelling smoke/vapor. I was amazed how subtle a vape pen is. Does dabbing produce a strong odor, like smoking would?
  2. Dabbing odor is strong at first but quickly dissipates. I consider that a big plus. Also, my fingers don't smell. I'll dab in the house while bud is outside only.
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  3. Minor cloud during the vaporization process but the exhale can put a decent cloud into a room that lingers
    The smell dissipates but the vapor cloud can hang
    My vape station is by a window I can exhale out

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