Alot of people aspire to a higher level of consciousness, but does consciousness actually change, or isit not just the content of consciousness that changes? Take this example, with your consciousness your looking out through the inside keyhole of a country house, you can see a tree outside, you then open the door & suddenly you can see a forest, hills, the sea in the distance...but has your consciousness changed, or isit just the content of consiousness that has changed? The content will always change, from the dirtiest thought to the highest realization, there is always consciousness of these things, does that change?
When consciousness is recognized as being, and all striving to "find" it is over, life becomes both peaceful and joyful. In a sense, so does death. Before the striving is over, which began after it had been over already (if you catch my meaning), duality runs the show. Box and not-box. Perception changes. Change does not change.
exactly, so that means consciousness itself must be the greatest realization possible im really enjoying this forum! peace
Consciousness is the unmoving core, the highest realization. Delve into the underlying stillness. Oh, hey there Chronic. =)
youre talking about consiousness as it holds stuff...its a matter of ow in tune with the your own higher consiousness you are.. how much are you aware of...mind is seperate although the line blends many a time...
My point was, where is this higher conciousness? Isit an attainment of something new, or simply the loss of what consciousness is currently caressing in its view? Higher consciousness to me implies something eternal, for something to be eternal it can't be something attainable, as anything attainable can be lost at a later date & the eternal can't be lost To find the eternal we have to peel back the onion to the centre then we find what is always eternally here, unloseable & ungainable, the Self we already are peace
Most people have gotten all there opinions from fiction, movies and dramas. People think emotionally rather than through logic and reason. Most people have never been conscious, they are part of a scientific indoctrination, a collective unconscious. It is time to awaken.
i believe all of our minds are connected..through the internet, thru the news, and this is being aware. Our self conciousness is us trying to figure out ourselves and what our role is in the world. great minds think a like? yes indeed. I think everything happens for a reason, and that our lives are what we make them to be. Unfortunately today, the majority of the world(or the ones with the money and power) are ruining our lives.
I suggest you guys look into Alan Watt, some Canadians might be familiar with him, he breaks it down really clearly.
aye, agreed... i believe were saying the same thing differently...i may have worded what i meant retardedly..i was pretty blasted ruining?! who says? because you feel emotions of despair? if you believe everything happens for a reason then you should understand that any opposition to global peace aka: illuminati and friends are only ensuring 1000 years of peace in the new age. the apocalypse starts out bad remember?
ruining?! who says? because you feel emotions of despair? if you believe everything happens for a reason then you should understand that any opposition to global peace aka: illuminati and friends are only ensuring 1000 years of peace in the new age. the apocalypse starts out bad remember?[/QUOTE] alright chief. you're saying you're happy with the people who run our government? and you think that the world is run by a shadow government that is making sure we all live in peace? If there is an illuminati, i'm pretty sure their motivations are money and power, not how satisfied we are with our lives.
Don't fall for the new age enlightement trap, if were not careful we will get a new age microchipped society worse than anything George Orwell wrote about. The globalists have hijacked the the environmental movemental behind the green is a more sinister term, sustainability, just look at the georgia guidestones, which is the new age ten commandments, that is certainly one of the biggest perversions of what humanity should be like. The plan is all documented in the UN's Agenda 21, I have a thread about it in the politics forum Yes all of this is a conspiracy, remember movements that gain are always funded from the top down, the capstone of the pyramid has a very different plan in mind regarding sustainability. A global conscience falls into masonic teaching as well, see it all fits in with their plan.
yeah okay, boss. how i feel about it now is trivial in the long run, and no..theyre not out for peace, but their evil deeds are necessary for the system you know to fall and real change to come. edit: ninjad, but to letsgetPOD, id rep u if i could. im glad u mentioned the georgia guidestones.
Thanks Pavlokos, Im not trying to enforce my ideology onto anyone, if you want to believe in the new age, thats fine, well see in 2012 right, haha, but like most movements, they can become infiltrated for more sinister purposes...