Moving to Colorado soon, and I was wondering if since weed is legal, if places still test you for it? Im in the medical field and will be working in a hospital, will I be tested for Marijuana? Any fellow med students out there?
What a crock. "Oh hey we've got all this LEGAL weed, brah! BUT we still test..and HAWWWRD, nigga. WE TEST FOR THAT SHIT HOAWRD AS FUCK, BRUH."
federal = illegal. Even in medical states where people have mmj cards are subjected to tests, and if failed can be terminated from employment. Its all about the company's policy. And cannabis will always have a stigma/taboo associated with it.
Insurance companies are who want the drug tests done. Companies are going to do what they have to do to maintain insurance and keep rates lower, cannabis being legal or not.
I just love this BROKEN ASS legal system we live in. Might as well love it since things will not change anytime soon.