Does Being Agnostic Make More Sense Than Being Atheist?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheBigH, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. If you're an Atheist, that means you're saying 100% god doesn't exist. How do you have this information? I think in size comparison with the universe(s), we are way too small to know that kind of thing. I think it makes more sense to say you're not sure, rather than saying you absolutely know such a thing doesn't exist. That's kind of like Christians saying they know 100% that god does exist. 
    I'm not trying to start a religious argument here, I'm just curious on different viewpoints .Whatever your religion is, what are your thoughts?

  2. Being anything that ends in "ist" is stupid. Everyone can take their beliefs and isms and agendas and fucking bullshit and stick it all up their sorry asses, as far as I'm concerned.
  3. #3 Stride420, Jul 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
    Way I see it, something had to create the universe. Scientist say "The Big Bang" created the universe but what created The Big Bang? There has/had to be something before right. That is what I believe god to be, a force of energy or entity that created the universe. However I do not believe that god came down to talk to a few select people and told them to spread the writings in some books in order to control how people live and dictate whether they are good people or not.
    I do however agree with you OP I don't understand how someone can really say god exist or not. Whenever I hear stories about prophets or any other representative of a religion saying they are the messenger of god all I can think is that guy had too many unmentionables.... and well what about all the other "messengers." Every messenger is preaching something different how can it all be tied to a god if all of them spew some different story. As you can tell, I don't believe in religion. Have absolutely no problem with people doing their own thing though.
    My .02
  4. Now commence the battle of semantics...

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  5. I agree...just because science hasnt proven there was some kind of creator doesnt mean it doesnt exist...i just always go back to the fact we all thought the world was flat until it was proven otherwise...we could just still be thinking the universe is flat so to speak
  6. That's one way to approach it. . .
  7. Here's another
  8. Being an atheist doesn't make any sense.  How the hell are they going to cope with themselves if they try and watch Enter the Void?
  9. #9 lazytoker, Jul 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
    Understand definitions before making threads.
  10. #10 clevername, Jul 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
    Atheism includes agnosticism, unless you decide to believe that it's impossible for any type of god to exist.
    Agnosticism is basically skepticism.
    Atheism is just "lack of belief."
    Anti-theism is "i don't think anyone should believe that any god exists (because there is no substantiating evidence)"
    But even someone who thinks that no one should ever leap to the conclusion of a false god, should know that we really can't know that it's impossible for a god to exist. We can't know that's impossible. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
    I think we should base our assessments of reality upon available facts. Clearly, some people disagree with that approach.
  11. Well I know god is real. God has shown himself to me in tough times. Also depriving myself of worldly pleasures has brought me closer to god. Unintentionally. You can believe what you want atheists but one day you'll believe in god and think back how silly you were. Atheism makes you use less of your brain as there is a part of our brain for spirituality. INB4 'theists r dumb hurr hurr hurr I'm an atheist on the internet how original I am.' Most of the world believes in god and people are smarter than you think.
  12. I suppose being agnostic is more logical than being atheistic. I'm not sure how atheists could really disprove the existence of a creator. In my own opinion, it is extraordinarily unlikely that a judeo christian god exists. But I have enough humility to accept that in the cosmic scheme, I'm about one billionth the size of a single grain of sand, so there is simply no way that I could say "there is no omnipotent, omnipresent creator who oversees all of creation." I'm just not qualified to make that determination.
  13. As in he actually showed up in front of you?
  14. #14 Mr.Otter, Jul 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
    Why is there even a term for people who don't believe in a creator or open to the idea of a creator? Aren't they simply not religious?
  15. sent me signs through birds and animals. The messengers. God is omnipresent so describing it as a he undermines its power. Because god is a he, she, it,etc... So saying god is man is not giving god enough credit. But we describe it as a he to humanize it. To give some imagery. But 'he' doesnt show up in front of you like that. Well at least that's one of the ideas I love about Islam and my studies of it.
  16. I believe in rain.

    But I haven't seen it this year, might go atheist.
  17. You guys are missing the point: Atheism only means the lack of a belief in any god.
    Some people are "assertive atheists," who go around insisting that it's completely impossible for any type of god to exist.
    But if you just say "atheists," then you're only referencing people who commonly lack a belief, not all of whom go around insisting that any and all gods must necessarily be completely impossible.
    There's a distinction, and to ignore that is intellectually dishonest.
    Furthermore, The reason people are atheist, is because they are agnostic. They lack a belief, due to lack of evidence to substantiate a claim that a god exists. That is how skepticism works: you don't just go around believing things, you evaluate all available evidence and allow it to mean what it means, regardless of which way it leans. Any real agnostic will admit that there is no valid evidence to substantiate any of the currently established religions' claims to their own definitions of their own god (most of them can't even agree on a definition in the first place).
    Burden of proof rests upon the claimant, and in the utter lack of all minimally valid evidence, it's just much easier to say "there is no god," even though it's POSSIBLE (and we admit this possibility), that there could be a god, but that it must necessarily Not be any of those currently described by any religion, because those descriptions can be easily invalidated through simple reasoning.
    But sure, there could be some kind of inconceivable entity... it's just that there is no detectable observable evidence that, if such a being exists, it has ever interacted with anything we can observe. There is no trace of any "god" having existed.
    If you want to believe something that is completely unsupported by any part of observable reality, that's on you. But it doesn't match the facts.
    If you are agnostic, as in: you're not sure... that necessarily means you don't "believe a god exists." You lack belief, unless you are sure a god exists. Ergo: agnosticism is included in atheism. These are the correct definitions of the words.
    Meanwhile, you all might benefit from googling the definition of agnosticism, and learning about how that word itself came to exist. Ask the man who invented the word, what it means. He'll tell you the same thing i just did.
    What doesn't make sense, is to say that "lacking a belief due to skepticism and lack of evidence, makes more sense than lacking a belief due to skepticism and lack of evidence." Atheism and agnosticism are essentially synonymous, but lots of people seem confused.
  18. Thanks. You stated what I wanted to say a lot better. 
  19. Call me crazy.
    Call me a dick.
    But im an Anti-Theist and i see ACTUALLY believing in "God" in modern times as a fundamental flaw in human thinking. It was a past scape goat to explain.. everything in a time when there were no answers but only questions. (religion i mean). Were simly past those times of wondering why the gods ruined our harvest this year. I live in CA and we all here have an understanding that look.. droughts a drought. Shit sucks but its semi periodical. Its not god punishing us hethens in CA... Its just the way the world works. We live on an ever evolving rock in space lol Shit just.. happens. Theres no rhyme or reason.. Or any point in living for a life after this life that may or may not (throwin religious people a bone there) exist.
    I dont like to associate myself with a title but if i have to.. throw me into the group who thinks religion is just a flaw in the way humans think in modern times and should be eradicated. 
    @ Whoever was talking about people not using the spirituality side of there minds by not practicing religion.. you also said you STUDY islam? You need to study more ;) not gunna dive into it here. Just sayin.
  20. Goddamn sinners!  The lot of ya! :cool:

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