does anyone play better high?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by millieZ, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. i play better on the mid
    dont fuck with that fire when i game i play like an idiot.

    whats up with you

    HA! millie
  2. i'm terrible when i'm high, but alot of my friends kill it when they're high
  3. Absolutely.

    I think it's because I don't get distracted as easily.

    Games seem so much more emersive when I'm high too.
  4. It does for me. When I'm stoned I fucking rape. I guess its cause I get real concentrated and anticipate things. But yeah definitely way better when I'm blazed!
  5. My first game, I do terrible when high. But second game. 43-16 K/D
  6. definitely better when high... i usually play nhl 10 stoned and im one of the best.

    i suck at the new cod but i played high the other day and came one away from the nuke... martyrdom got me when i was at 24 :/ so close lol
  7. i am so much better when im blazed.
  8. When I'm at the climax of the high, I just camp in one spot the whole round:laughing:
    But when I'm a little less high I rape.
  9. I play much better high on COD MW2, lately I've brought my K/D overall up to 1.46. And usually every game I play high I go about 3:1 kill to death ratio. I loves it.
  10. I'm a lot better after a session, it's like the game and me become one!

  11. I most definately play better while stoned. I get distracted as soon as the controller is set down, but while goin, its gogo :D
  12. sometimes.......and it depends on the game too....

    sometimes i get so high i dont even know what im doing, and it could be a game ive played a million times
  13. I am definetely better at any game when I'm high. I think it has to do with the motivation making me want to play better/more. Also I'm way more focused high

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