Does anyone love microwave dinners as much a me.

Discussion in 'General' started by 420savvy, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. They are great.
  2. they're good, not great
  3. Hungry-Man and Stoffers. :love:
  4. So good.. The burritos you can buy from the superstore are great also. They come in packages with single burritos in each one. Only like 80 cents!
  5. with you.

    its like having a home cooked meal in 2 minutes and 15 seconds:smoke:

  6. Yeah the quickness of it makes up half the greatness.
  7. stoffers is awesome as all greatness:cool:
  8. i would rather spend 30 minutes creating a delicious masterpiece.
  9. I'd rather cook something than eat "food" that comes in a box any day.

  10. i really enjoy cooking and stuff and i make great mexican feasts but sometimes the laziness of being high combined with the NEEEED to munch makes the microwave dinner just as good, also the fact that if your truly muching you eat it so fast that you ll finish take a swig of beer/milk/juice and forget what it tasted like ( and probably want to eat 5 more)
  11. Yeah I like the burritos too, but I would rather make a trip to McDonalds.

    that shit diminishes all protein in your food, its science!
  13. Eat them every day:)
  14. A bit off topic, but would anyone buy microwaveable munchies targeted towards stoners?

  15. You make a GREAT point sir.......if only there was one closer to me....

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