Soo ill be driving and my horn randomly goes off, it starts doing this when i hit any bumps or make any wide turns... It goes off and people give me these looks and flip me off and what not... Seriously really frustrating. It sounds like something in my steering wheel broke, because i hear rattaling, and i think it hits my horn randomly... Anyways i just want to unplug my horn completely... Ive already tried to google it and nothing seems to help.. I tried to remove this thing under my hood labeled horn, but it wont come out.. And im wondering if removing this will even fix the problem.. i know most you guys arent car experts, but im refraining from driving because my horn honks like crazy and its embaressing... It will do these random beats, kinda like morris code but with a horn.
Theres gotta be a fuse somewhere look in the manual worse comes to worse most the horns are in the fender (google what one looks like) and snip the wires going to it problem solved (thats the wrong way to do it tho)
[quote name='"Bwarren93"']Theres gotta be a fuse somewhere look in the manual[/quote] Yeah, the fuse is under the picture i posted, and the thing was labeled horn... But idk, if i even cut the fuse will it even work, or will it cause more damage to the car... Mehh. I dont know shit about cars.
Check out nicoclub, probably one of the best Nissan forums. There is probably already a write up archived for it.
yeah reading online that fuse that says horn use some channel locks (big pliers) and rip that sucker, be sure tho that noting else is effected by pulling that fuse
[quote name='"Bwarren93"']yeah reading online that fuse that says horn use some channel locks (big pliers) and rip that sucker, be sure tho that noting else is effected by pulling that fuse[/quote] Soo that fuse that says horn, if i rip it out it will stop the horn completely?? Lol is there a certain way i rip it out, or do i just rip it with nor forgiveness?
[quote name='"Vicious"'] Check out nicoclub, probably one of the best Nissan forums. There is probably already a write up archived for it.[/quote] Alright im going to create an account if the plyer thing doesnt work...
The fuse is not the problem. There is a short. Op said horn goes off when he hits bumps. Well use your head. If the fuse was the problem the horn wouldn't work at all. There is a short in the horn circuit. Basicaly a bad connection or wire and when u hit a bump it completes the circuit making the horn go off. Taking out the fuse will stop your horn from working. So take the car to an experienced car tech to identify if its a connection problem or faulty wire.
[quote name='"Bwarren93"']Theres gotta be a fuse somewhere look in the manual worse comes to worse most the horns are in the fender (google what one looks like) and snip the wires going to it problem solved (thats the wrong way to do it tho)[/quote] Horn connecters just pull apart you don't need to cut them. Edit. Seems to be a common problem in your car there is a yahoo answers to your question involving removing the air bag to fix the horn. I DO NOT RECOMEND THAT YOU TOUCH ANY AIRBAG OR ANY WIRING CONNECTED TO THE AIRBAG( yellow wires) as you can accidently set the airbag off and severely injure yourself or worse. Take the car to a liscensed mechanic
Okay, soo i pulled out the fuse cap thing, and i punched my horn to see if it worked and i didnt So to make sure if was completely unplugged i drove it around for a bit making hard turns and what not, and its not doing it anymore. Thank you guys very very much! Fuck that shit., was so obnoxious.
[quote name='"arsonik187"']Your still gonna need to get it fixed though[/quote] Lol yeah most likely... But i dont even use the horn... But i know its illegal to have a non-working horn.
To pass vehicle inspection yes it will have to work. If you live in one of those states be sure you get it fixed
[quote name='"Bwarren93"']To pass vehicle inspection yes it will have to work. If you live in one of those states be sure you get it fixed[/quote] Vehicle inspections, when do they do them?
Hell if I know, I live in Michigan we dont have these vehicle inspections lol. Its dangerous territory around here, people drive with bald tires or no mufflers and are loud as hell lol