I was really thinking of buying a baby Fennec Fox but I hear that since its a fox and its domesticated its not going to be exactly like a dog. But I trained my dog really well adn I have taked psychology courses and totally understand how to condition animals to do stuff. Any advice? Or stories?
A fox can be easily defeated with a loaf of sliced bread. Also You username made me go download Toxicity from the internets. That is all. Oh yeah, a fox would be way cooler than a dog. Because it's like a dog But it's a dog that doesn't give a fuck and will maul you while you sleep
I don't own any pets. My apartment wants 200 bucks and 50 bucks a month to have a pet that size. So I just got a rat >.> In related news I think that shit would make an awesome pet. But I don't know anything about their temperament man. I'm sure google has more answers than the fellow tokers here on GC. I'm sure with some classical conditioning it would be a remarkable pet
Yeah man I looked them up, and theres some good Youtube videos of advice from owners and videos of there pet Fennec Foxes. Very informative, and I found out that there is a liscensed breeder like 40mins from my house.
don't get a fox man, they cant be as domesticated as a dog, or even housecat's. Foxes are wild animal's dude, he's gonna fuck somebody up visiting you some day and then you'll have 2 relinquish your beloved pet too be killed!
I knew a dude with a jaguar. Totally domesticated, used to play with his baby brother like it was her own.
I'm pretty sure that they either need their own room, or you need to be very careful about loud noises. I remember seeing a video about fennecs having really sensitive hearing, obviously look at those fuckin ears, and so they need a pretty quiet environment
[quote name='"Deer Dance"']I was really thinking of buying a baby Fennec Fox but I hear that since its a fox and its domesticated its not going to be exactly like a dog. But I trained my dog really well adn I have taked psychology courses and totally understand how to condition animals to do stuff. Any advice? Or stories?[/quote] You "taked psychology courses" did you skip English? Foxes aren't docile creatures, if you piss it off, it will fuck you up. I've seen a lot of exotic animals as pets, but a fox is one that will do some damage. Raccoons are the same way, and those little bastards steal and hide EVERYTHING.
Its one of those things thats cute at first, then once it grows up you wanna get rid of it. I went through it with a possum and a wild rabbit, never again.
[quote name='"pokesmot247"'] You kept a wild rabbit? What was that like? [/quote] It was cool for a while, but then it started biting and scratching so we left it go in a field. The possum got vicious and would growl and snap at you, so we let that go too.
Yeah was just curious as we had ferral rabbits in our field. Always wondered how theyd turn out in a captive environment. Thanks for sharing. Peace.