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Does Anyone Else..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by treezpleez, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Post something you do that you think most others don't


    ...Brush their teethe 10x better when high
    ...When about to shower wait to pee until the warm water hits you (especially loaded)

    Definitely thought of this thread in the shower
  2. I vaporize weed.
  3. This website gets dumber and dumber each time I log on...
  4. I'm more thorough when I clean house..?
  5. I wonder why..
  6. Go pee in your moms shower
  7. Far too far
  8. you're outta here

  9. I like turtlez.

  10. I do too. :hello:
  11. Something something something
  12. Lets just post a bunch of random shit so we can ruin this thread.

  13. ...darkside?

    Something, something, something complete?

    I dream of kicking emperor palpatine in the nuts
  14. ^ Yah he killed the snakes on a plane guy.
  15. Hahahahaahaha...
    what the fuck?
    this went off topic fast...

    Anywaaaayyy, I think everyone pees in the shower :cool:
  16. [quote name='"CaressaRosee"']Hahahahaahaha...
    what the fuck?
    this went off topic fast...

    Anywaaaayyy, I think everyone pees in the shower :cool:[/quote]

    Does it drip down your leg ?
  17. This thread is gay and shit but why is everyone flaming em so hard? Lol just ignore it and the thread dies..........................

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