Does anyone else prefer smoking alone?

Discussion in 'General' started by Paranoid_Stoner93, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. #1 Paranoid_Stoner93, Oct 5, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
    Well i generally like to smoke alone. Its nothing personal i just get bad anxiety or people annoy me. I dont mind smoking with 1 other chill person. But my girl just bitched me out because i came to her crib blazed asf. And she was pissed i didnt share. Lmao it honestly just motivated me to do it more. Because certain people annoy me when im high. Its weird to because when i first started smoking. All i did was smoke with other people
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  2. I just prefer smoking.

    I only get anxiety high when I'm around new people.
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  3. Interesting, when I smoke it makes it easier to tune out annoying assholes.
  4. Absolutely, when I am alone I don't have to share my weed! I am stingy, but it is expensive so I am not feeling very guilty about it but I will smoke with my friends when we hang out. Now if only I could actually find some weed. I've been on the hunt for days and no luck.
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  5. I too prefer smoking by myself, it's just so much more peaceful.
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  6. nah I always smoke with my husband. He is my smoking partner lol.
  7. Same here, I smoke by myself a lot not just for financial purposes though. But I'm also not one to openly share weed with just anyone. Not that I don't want to, I just can't afford it. A college student working only ~15 max a wk, making min. wage 7.25, with car payments to make, it's very difficult. But it just so happens that I'm most comfortable being high alone, so it works out.

    I used to be very social when I got high, it used to be the only thing to make me open up, because I've always been introverted and never was one to hang out with people on my own time. I'm just a loner, it's just my personality, I have genuinely tried to socialize, and I just became really unhappy. Guess it's just not my personality. I prefer to hang out with one person outside of class if that. Not like I'd really have much time to hang out anyways, since college and work keep me busy and my hands tied.

    It's not that I can't socialize, I can do it just fine. I just don't enjoy the company of others most the time. I much prefer isolation. I can think more clearly and intensely, and I can do my work better and study better and it's also more peaceful and there's also less drama. To me, it's great. I am genuinely more happy as a person, and my thinking increases. But to many, it's a foreign concept that makes no sense.

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  8. The only reason I smoke by myself is because I have bad anxiety and images keep flooding my mind which makes it hard for me to concentrate and talk to other people. Pretty much everytime I smoke I bad buzz with or without people. I honestly have no idea why I haven't quit yet...
  9. I probably smoke 3-4 times a week with my friends... But I prefer smoking alone. I don't know, to me there's nothing better than having a nice chill bong sesh and drinking a cup of tea. Then laying down and going to sleep blazed.

    All of which I give up during group smoking.
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  10. I prefer to smoke with people but usually I prefer to be high alone. I smoke with other people like a couple of times a week and by myself about 30.
  11. I like smoking by myself 99% of the time. I like smoking with people if we're in the forest or in public (both of which are fun, even to do alone).
  12. Dude. I'd rather smoke alone!!! Smoking with other people can be fun at times, but when your blazed by yourself you can just do your own thing, ya know?!?!?

    " Most people leave this earth wondering if they made a difference. Marines don't have that problem " - Ronald Reagan

    Psalms 25;4 show me your ways o'Lord teach me your paths "
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  13. I usually smoke alone but thats only because I dont hang out with friends through the week very often. Alone or with friends, doesnt matter to me. Both have there ups and downs.
  14. I've always preferred smoking with a small group (alone-2 or 3 other people max) to a larger group.

    I just feel like the vibe is more chill and I don't get mixed up in my own thoughts so much. Anxiety and such can be a problem if you don't really know the other people in the large group you're with. I feel you.
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  15. Very select friends, and they are Closet growers too... or it is all for me. I love growing my own, and I grow it for "me.' Oh... my select friends love my weed. It is a Colorado thing...
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  16. I prefer smoking alone over smoking with others. I just like to chill and do my own thing. I mean, smoking with a good friend is cool every once in a while....I find that when I smoke with other people, I get uncomfortable because I feel like I have to talk and be more outgoing, when I would just rather be quiet and off in my own little world. Especially if you smoke with a person for the first time and you find out they get a little...weird or turn into an asshole(both have happened to me).

    I have only met one other person who didn't have a problem just sitting with me, enjoying the silence lol. It was great.
    Rambling done, ha.
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  17. I prefer duos or trios to solo sessions, mostly cause I'm always smoking by myself... I still enjoy the solo dolo though (saves me a lot of bud :)). Quartets are OK depending on who it is and if they're pitching in.

    I will smoke out 1 or 2 really good friends anytime, but that's usually my limit. 4+ and I will not have fun and be somewhat irritated unless they're pitching in with either booze or weed. With that amount of people, it's just constantly repacking every rotation, and you end up smoking a whole gram just to get everyone sort of stoned, when with a trio or a duo you could all be baked off your ass, AND not have to deal with any bullshit.

    This for sure. My buddies don't smoke regularly, so they always appreciate me smoking them out, and I enjoy it too. If it's my roommates friend that wants to smoke and he doesn't have any green, he can fuck off. If it's not offered, don't even ask to smoke my weed lol.
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