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Does anyone else make a "cashed stash"?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Needsomeweed, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Lol, whenever I have like 2 grams or more, I ussaly smoke a bowl and then there is some green left in the bowl but like half of it is burnt and shit, and I ussaly take that half burnt nug and put it in a little box/bag.. so I do this until I am out of weed, then I ussaly go a couple days before another pickup and I might want to get high, so I go into my cashed stash and smoke that, haha this might sound like gross/stupid/desperate to some but it gets the job done.

    (oh and I only do this when I smoke alone, If im smoking with a friend we just light up the bowl again and turn it all into ash.)

  2. Yeah its just like saving roaches basically. Me saving my vaporize weed is the same as well.
  3. Yeah, the bottom nug is still a little green because I never smoke my bowl to the very end.

    To answer your question, no i don't save my nugs because I want to keep it as clean/healthy of a smoke as I can.
  4. I do this occasionally, it works awesome. Worked perfect for me since the hole in my pipe is big so I cant finish a bowl anyways or else it goes in my mouth. Soo I sit there with at least 3-4 hits worth of unused bud that I can save and use for later. Also I tend to leave a tad bit of bud on the stems and save the stems and go back and clean them up later. Its better than scraping a pipe and smoking resin.
  5. I used to do this when I had much more pot. Although I never could remember where I stashed it, lol
  6. I don't understand the logic behind saving roaches or "half-nugs."

    Just put a little less in there the next time so you can smoke it all.

    When smoking bowls, I don't mind leaving half a cashed bowl in there until next time, which I'll smoke before refilling, but I wouldn't take out the unburned stuff and save it. Just smoke it.

    For J's, I just roll a joint that I know I can completely finish. Saving a roach reeks and can get you busted. If I'm in a rush and leave a roach in the ashtray or something, when you come back, the whole area reeks.

    Smoke it all, then smoke it fresh.
  7. Not this specifically, but I've toked one day, forgot to finish the bowl, woke up the next, found a half burned bowl, and smoked it.
  8. Yeah i agree with you, i dislike saving them. I never have. The closest i get is saving vaporized weed, it never leaves the house.
  9. your bowls are never cashed then...burn that shit til it's ashes :smoke:
  10. Well the main reason is because, its kind of like saving a nice little treat for yourself later, you pretend its not there until you are out of weed and want to get high. It would be like hiding a little bit of weed knowing your not going to have weed for a while, forgetting about it, then finding it one day and being happy as fuck :smoke:
  11. a more efficient way to do this is to then take a gram out of whatever you bought, hide it, forget it ever existed until your stash is over and then run into it again:smoke: better than saving half smoked nasty bud lol
  12. Aha while I definitaly agree with this, I don't buy in that large quanities.. and hiding a gram would be impossible for me to forget.. plus I like smoking my whole stash... just with those left overs for later :D
  13. Yeah wtf, just smoke a smaller amount d00d.
  14. i once hid 2 grams in my jacket and forgot about it for about 2 weeks, found it on the way to the dealers house so it wasnt as amazing :(
  15. yeah i dont get why you would do this...just pack a little less in ur bowl and save what u would have put in there in a stash box...that way u can have fresh green bud when you run out instead of half burnt shit that u scraped out of a bowl
  16. Apparently not, otherwise we wouldnt have this thread, haha

    Honstly though, put like 10-15% of your weed aside when you pick up.

    If you pick up an 1/8th, stash half a gram, a 1/4, a gram, etc etc.

    What I do is usually pick up a quarter. When it gets down to an 1/8, I'm usually already calling my dealer. That way, if your dealer disappears or is dry, you still have bud to hold you down.

    I don't think I've ran out of bud or been dry in 3-4 years. I always have money or bud on the side to re-up.

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