Sorry, long rant.. So I'm a 20 year old college student still living at home because school is close by. I, like all of you guys enjoy smoking the herb, but I have an issue. No it's not my parents, as I am extremely open about it with them. In fact, I gave each of them an edible a couple weeks back. It's that my younger sister is extremely against it. I don't know what happened, but she turned out to be extremely straight-edged. DARE really got to her, and she honestly couldn't tell you the difference in harm between cannabis and crack cocaine. She'll bring up to me constantly about some acquaintances of hers who she found out smoked and how she has disowned them. Pair that up with her being one of the most stubborn people I know, and it's a feisty combination. I know what everyone is thinking, "Who gives a shit, you're not going to get in trouble." or "Whatever you're an adult," but that really isn't the case. Crazy thing is, she's a senior in high school, and is about to turn 18. Talk about being prude. She looks down upon any of her classmates who drink or smoke, and insists how she doesn't want to be exposed to alcohol use in college. She found out because one of our mutual friends got in trouble for it, and I had to admit I've smoked a couple times (haha... a couple). She exclaimed, "Well you're never going to try drugs again, are you?" It was kind of a shit-storm for a while, she actually cried when she found out that I had smoked weed. Finally, she just kind of forgot about it. In the past I have been able to be pretty stealthy about it, but she is staying up really late now. Due to being scared about getting caught, haven't been able to smoke much. So I don't know what to do. I am one of the only people I know who can talk to my parents freely about it, and have to hide it from a teenage sibling. My dad has always done a good job of hiding it from my sister, because he doesn't want her to find out either (because he knows how crazy she is). I have hinted multiple times towards liking it, mentioning how I voted yes on Prop 19, but she turns the other cheek whenever I try to mention something positive about it. Any suggestions?
I dated this one girl for a while who was anti drugs for herself but didn't really care if I indulged to a degree. I think she needs to get some real world experience before she will have any change in heart... Just my $37.86
As for her getting real world experience, KillerKush, I have been trying to urge her to move away for school, because I think she is just going to continued to be too sheltered otherwise. Unfortunately, I think she's going to stay at home and go to the local community college. This isn't going to speed up the process at all. By the next school year I won't be living at home anymore, but I am just getting fed up of having to hold up this 'perfect kid' act any longer. I don't drink, I'm getting a 3.5 in a math degree, and I'm an adult; I want to be able to smoke a bowl and chill at my house.
"Talk about being prude". You see that. thats why i hate my name.. tell her if she ever went near a penis it would freeze like an icypole. no dont tell her that. sorry ): like just be like "well you know, um if god didnt want us to smoke it, he wouldnt of created it." and she will be all happy,(the banana splits song will have started playing by now) and you will happy. like just say your sorry that she doesnt like it, dont hate her. lol
She's about to go to College... wait and see how that goes. uh oh... just read the CC at home part.... Who knows; she could still notice by then that pot is normal.
I agree with iiLLmatic, explain to her that she really can't judge unless she knows what it is, and what it does. Because the 'Facts' that DARE gives makes it seem, like you said, crack cocaine. Get her high and then while she's nice and toasted, look at her and say, "[enter sister's name], this is what herb is". That's when she will get into the classic giggling fit, and that will assure her that herb is nothing to be afraid of- nor is it something to be against. I mean really, how can you be against something that makes you feel this great!
tell her the scientific facts behind cannabis, and have a civil conversation with her about her choices for her life and your choices for your life, they're not the same, your two diffrent people...its ridiculous that your being held up by this, its your choice your life and your an adult, she'll have to accept that eventually no matter the resistance( thats just her shutting off her mind to new unexperienced things ) but if its really a issue roll a join/blunt?, go to a friends house and brun or hotbox your car? etc y'know burn elsewhere..use a spoof..etc
Read studies about weed and drop info on her at every turn. Ask her if she wants to read some unbiased studies done by scientists. Myths and Facts About Marijuana Marijuana | Drug War Facts
same story except my parents are hardline catholic, and my moms brothers addiction to meth reinforced her personal battle to end all drug use. Me and one of my youngers got the oust. i live with my gf now....wierd thing is is she's still against it, knows I smoke, but still talks to me and helps pay for school and books, even asks me for advice on my other brother she kicked out.... Shits fucked but Ive just come to terms with thats the way she is.
I absolutely love this list, Storm Crow did such an amazing job. When I first read it, it really opened my eyes to the superior medical qualities of cannabis. I can't believe the U.S. government simply ignores the studies that show it reduces cancer growth of all varieties. Thankfully, I've done my research to where I never lose the 'smoking weed is bad' debate. I got caught by my dad a few times in high school and he always just pretended like he didn't see anything. Once I got to college I had a good long debate with him, and now he is totally chill with the herb. I guess I've never tried to debate with my sister about it because we get along pretty well (because I just keep my mouth shut and pretend to always agree with her), and I've always figured it wouldn't be worth it. I'm really considering just having the Union on the TV one night and see if she'll watch. I'll give an update if that makes any progress.