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does anyone else feel this way?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by toreexoxo<3, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. i have a few people in my family who dont smoke weed, but they're alcoholics. wtf. they think just cuz its legal then its better. and my grampa died from cirosis of the liver.. (spelling?) anyways i just want to be like are you fucking retarded.. look at the effects of smoking weed for 30 yrs VS. drinking beer everynite for 30 yrs. and i have an uncle who drinks alot of alcohol and acts like a retard but tries to tell me that smokin a J here and there will turn me into a retard. its very frustrating.:mad: anyone else?
  2. haha dude just be like, i can go a day easy without smoking weed, lets see you try with alcohol..

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