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Does anyone else feel Dopey the morning after smoking weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PermanentlyHigh, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Since I've started smoking weed, I've noticed I feel really dopey after smoking weed.
    Is it supposed to happen? Or is it just me?
    Anyone know how to fix it?
  2. Do you smoke indicas ?

  3. Not sure, I dont think its a Indicas though
  4. Indica just means body stone. Sativa means the high is more in the head. Try to see if any of your dealers has any sativa. Or just look for the less dense buds. Indicas have fatter leaves and sativas have skinny leaves. Indicas can make you feel like that.

  5. Thanks man, Apprietate the advice!
  6. It always depends on the flower, for me:)
  7. op u said u feel Dopey in the morning. All i could think was why is he violating that dawrf from snow white
  8. Weed hangover. The cure? More weed.
  9. Anytime man. Sativas are often the longer buds and indicas are more round and smaller, but they could be big too... Do you smoke a lot? If you do and all you get is indicas you'll probably feel like going to sleep all the time and you'll be out of it. That's what it sounds like. Indicas are more common in most places than sativas also.
  10. I wouldn't call it "dopey" but sometimes the morning after I feel a slight haze going on. Though, it depends - when I'm actually active and doing something it either doesn't happen or happens a lot less.
  11. happens sometimes. also depends on your bud
  12. [quote name='"ChemoKush"']op u said u feel Dopey in the morning. All i could think was why is he violating that dawrf from snow white[/quote]

    Serious fucking lol - your getting rep when I get home to my computer.

    First reply was right on - Indica strains make you feel hazy after. Sometimes though it just happens if you toke a bunch.
  13. I used to. but that was like my first couple months
  14. It's the best way to wake up in my opinion!
  15. Honestly, hair of the dog when this happens.
    Smoke another bowl or two.
  16. [quote name='"RandomThoughts"']I wouldn't call it "dopey" but sometimes the morning after I feel a slight haze going on. Though, it depends - when I'm actually active and doing something it either doesn't happen or happens a lot less.[/quote]

    If I smoke a heavy indica I have a hard time waking up in the morning
  17. LOL then you have another one.
  18. It definitely depends on the flower you're smoking, but an easy cure to that is to wake & bake with a sativa dominant strain. Even 1 bowl is enough.

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