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does anyone do this?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by goldtide, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I smoke out of a glass pipe and i prefer to smoke joints but i conserve more with pipe. But i dont completely cash my bowls in my pipe. Its always black but never white so i started rolling the reamainder into joints so im getting double almost for the amount. But what ive been doing is smoking a few bowls in my pipe and then roll the burnt weed into joints. It feels like im smoking twice as much!
  2. get a MLFB i can make an eigth last a month. i vape it all, usually .05-.15 gets me high for like 2-3 hours after all that vaped weed i either smoke the vaped weed in blunts or i make firecrackers to make the weed last even longer.
  3. i like that man. i'm gonna keep that in mind
  4. No I don't. Doesn't sounds like a bad idea. But it does sound pointless. Why not just cash the whole thing in a pipe? You know in reality you're not really smoking twice as much. You're smoking the same amount...twice as slow.
  5. i much rather smoke a harsh joint then a harsh pipe. So i put what would make up the harsh hits in the pip and put it in joints. Also it gets in your head. The slower you smoke and the more ways you smoke in one sit down makes your mind think you've been smoking a lot.
  6. Sounds like it tastes almost as bad as resin. Why not just keep it in the bowl and finish it at another time?
  7. yuck i will smoke vape poo but not ash poo
  8. Or cook vape poo into edibles, ya?

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