Does anybody think weed has a myopic effect on your memory, but in a good way?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Thizface, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Trying to find a theory for why I can never find anything.
  2. what do you mean by a good way?
  3. That my brain purposefully disposes of the memories of the routine of my day( repetitive actions that really aren't worth remembering), but things I read and learn in school, even names and dates get put in my head like a lockbox. When I'm high I feel more focused, but everything outside of that focus is in one ear and out the other.
  4. And so I mean in a good way because in the long term who really cares where my car keys are lol.
  5. I mean it's known that you can only process a very small amount of the things that happen around you.
  6. it is a neuroprotectanct and will help you keep your long term memeory. yes. can help against alzheimer's -all weed, no anti-perspirant.

    go to granny's list.
  7. Fuck I wear dove powderfresh, being as I'm a hippy I usually forget to put it on though.
  8. goddamn hippies...;)
  9. #10 dariolovesdeb, Nov 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
    My theory?

    Consuming marijuana inhibits the release of your GABA receptors. Whenever our minds are stimulated, whether it's learning something new or creating a memory while being entertained, our synapses are connecting to each other and shooting signals between one another. GABA oversees this process and calms the excitement down so we don't over analyze or get paranoid throughout the day from too much excitement or too much over-thinking. Without GABA, smoking pot leads to paranoia or ingenious moments. Whenever you're doing something that doesn't stimulate your brain on pot, you're going to be that much more likely to not pay attention to it because you want to find something stimulating/pleasing. So when you do find something stimulating, without GABA, you're actually more likely to remember that experience or whatever you are learning because your synapses will fire between one another at longer durations. To use a metaphor, it's like using an excessive amount of glue/sealant when creating something. GABA, or a proposed budget, will limit how strong you make that bond. But without that budget, you will keep on adding glue to make sure whatever you are building stays together strong and long!

    Now this process will obviously depend on your tolerance. If you have no tolerance, than the psychedelic aspect of pot will overwhelm you more than anything. But for me, smoking pot helps me when I write essays or go to an entertaining class because I can get in the zone that much better without my GABA interfering and calming me down. Also it will depend on how you consume the pot and what medical effects come with it. If you smoke, then the consumption of the tar will constrict your blood vessels making you feel 'weighed down'. Indica will give you a strong body high and calm you down. Sativa will open your mind to a new level.

    Again, this is my theory. I may be totally wrong on how pot and GABA work in the brain. But from my limited knowledge, this is what I propose is going on in our brain.

    edit: However I do find math taking a longer time to do while stoned. Maybe it might get better if I kept on working with it, but I haven't invested in the time to keep on trying and work my way through it. But I do notice that marijuana does have some form of impact on spatial skills; still trying to figure out what and why.
  10. Regardless of whether or not your theory is correct, your description of effects matches mine exactly... Pretty damn cool.

    Sounds like GABA would be a good perception drug for people with anxiety.
  11. I'd get high and stare at calculus problems for hours. But smoke organic chemistry.

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