Does anybody here have a lucky strain of weed that you swear you magically have the best luck after

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by theoristrygg, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. you smoke it? You smoke this strain and you find money on the ground, you smoke this strain and you get out of trouble, etc
  2. [​IMG]
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  3. Nope. I just smoke weed, work hard, and stay out of trouble. No luck needed!

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  4. Well the work hard part is quite subjective. I think @Olesmoky would probably work circles around me but he's probably got more ADD than me and that's an advantage, some might call it a privilege. :sneaky:
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  5. That would be pretty cool. In fallout new vegas I have this mod that lets you smoke the cigarettes in the game rather than just sell them and you get 1 lucky cigarette in each pack that does a +1 luck to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L But for better or worse, luck is not real. I mean you can call things "lucky" or "unlucky" but it's really just a convoluted way of rerouting appreciation or disappointment into an almost supernatural kind of thing.

    Basically no. But maybe if you find a strain that lets you feel how you want you'll be more inclined to live your life in a way more conducive to a positive outcome.
  6. Not since I've been married. The Gold strains were good panty droppers so yeah, some strains brought more luck than others.
    • Funny Funny x 1

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