Does anybody else seem to not need as much sleep when on a T-break? Is this healthy?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Psygonyx, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. #1 Psygonyx, Sep 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2012
    I can't remember the last time I had a normal sleep pattern. When toking regularly (which is usually all day every day), I don't sleep full nights. Instead I sleep four hours, wake up for 4-6 hours, then sleep four hours again. So I'm constantly napping throughout the day and night.

    I'm not too worried about this sleep pattern because I've heard that's how peoples' bodies used to operate back before the 9-5 days, but what's odd is how I sleep when I'm taking a t-break:

    I'll be up for about 21 hours, then sleep for 9. I don't get tired until around after at least 20 hours of being awake, but once I crash out I'm out for the rest of the night. Since there aren't 30 hours in a day that means my bedtime is completely out of sync with the rotation of the planet.

    I feel healthy, but the main issue is holding a regular job; my odd sleeping habits have forced me to do freelance work for a living, but that just barely pays the bills.

    I've tried for years to adjust to regular sleeping habits, but my body refuses to adjust. Last time I held a regular job I had to get drunk every single evening in order to sleep through through the night.

    I've tried everything from melatonin to valerian root; I've been to two different doctors but they both prescribed me clonidine, which does absolutely nothing. Am I forced to live this way forever?
  2. Well, obviously it's well documented that THC can have its effects on sleeping patterns.

    Unfortunately, it does sound like you've gone through some recommended steps already and it's not worked for you. (I was going to suggest a natural nighttime OTC remedy, sounds like you've already BTDT...)

    One thing I would recommend is exercise. Start getting on a regular schedule of working out and vary the workout times during the day to see when it is most effective. A good workout and a hot shower afterward usually knock me out for a while.
  3. Maybe your bodies waking you up cuz your buzz wore off in the middle of the night. Gotta get up and go find more weed

  4. That's some damn good advice. I've been putting off the gym lately and it's affected my state of well being. Time to get off my ass and get back to a regular workout schedule.

    That makes sense too. Maybe I should wake and bake rather than just getting up and doing stuff?

    Both of you guys have made some good points. Looks like I need to find a good balance between toking up and exercising. Thanks for the suggestions. Does anybody else have anything to say regarding my situation? I'd love to hear an opinion from a doctor (I know you guys are on here).

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