does anybody else get this feeling when...

Discussion in 'General' started by CitySmoker420, Dec 1, 2008.

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  1. i have OCD... but ive been in therapy for it for 6 yrs and it hasnt been a problem...
    but what ive found is... there are small things... like not putting down the seat... or the trash being on the ground. or yelling at somebody... that later on i get punished for by a sort of (KARMA)

    so i thought maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy... but i stood confident.. and when something bad happened... my brain kept telling me it was because of something i did... is there a giant scale keeping track of my sins and good deeds? determining if life will throw me a meatball down the middle or a slider on the inside corner?

    Your soberness,
  2. #2 Weebie, Dec 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2008
    OCD sucks man... I watched the trulife I have OCD thing.. Shit was weird... That would be horrible living with that bad OCD

    My roomate,,, kiiiinda has OCD.. Or maybe it's just the navy man in him? The fuckin place has to be spotless or he gets all PMSy.... But fuck that noise though.. I don't have OCD and I can stand dirty dishes being in the sink for over a day, god damnit.
  3. I've got mild OCD.

    Sometimes I feel similar to this, except it's mostly just something that stops me from doing bad deeds, or forces me to do good things. Like smoking someone down because I know that down the road I'll be dry and it'll be them smoking me down. Or preventing me from being an asshole because I know that shit will bite me in the ass.
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