Does anybody else feel like the world is at end with all these crazy events happening

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by amateurblazer, May 9, 2011.

  1. What do you mean? I don't blame humans for what the earth is doing. The only blame on humans, is that majority of people forgot how to act human. We are meant to be so much closer with one another.

    But yeah I agree, there will be more earthquakes severe weather. I could even see volcanos erupting. I feel luucky to be living during these truly astonishing and eventful times.
  2. #82 errorUAtaken, May 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Nah I don't blame people for earth I blame people for people
    The endless cycle of abuse
    Not the natures cycles :)

  3. That's not even what was being predicted......

    Why even quote the media hype? At least quote the real mayan prediction of an accelerated consciousness.

    But you are right about living our lives to the fullest, that's all we can do...that and treat everything on this earth with the same respect we wish to be treated....unless you are a masochist of course.
  4. there are bilboards in my city saying that the 21st is the end of it all. thats why im having my b-day party first thing in the morning. between the garlic mushroom omelette w/ side of hash brownies and all my friends waving hello (or maybe its goodbye?) to me, we shall laugh at those who threatened our existence with some forthcoming apocolypse. and smoke more weed.
  5. #85 theanachronism, May 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This is exactly what I feel. We've forgotten what life is really about. We've made it about money and power and "success." We are all connected to each other and the earth biologically. Sadly we've distanced ourselves from each other more and more as time passes. I hope the "end of the world" is actually something that opens everyone's eyes and we can get back to basics and just live.
  6. an appropriate thinning of the herd. a bit of a bitchslap so we see that possesion of these 'material things' is our undoing. granted all of this 'success' created technology and science then turning into manufacturing... which in of itself compounds the problem. the typical catch 22. we are blinding ourselves to it all because our survival, in this current society, revolves entirely around money. we have turned money into a happiness scale. the more money you have the happier you are. atleast by the american point of view. we scramble to get it only to likely burn ourselves out trying to get it... i hate it.
  7. The devil created teknowlegy here on earth. Soons he got here he started us diggin him up the gold. When'd we come outta the stone age? Yea rite round then.

    He needed to make himself look like gods so that he could control the masses into building his war machines against God.

    Then with the industrial revolution he took our children away from us. The timing. He knew somma these children would be transformed by God Himself into Holey angels. Holey angels, that on the day of judgement will drag him before God Almighty, to be judged. To be destroyed by God for eternity.

    Bach to my sherlock
  8. idk if this is a joke or not but i just came down a lil off of a very potent high and who the fuck predicted this?
  9. #89 theanachronism, May 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Exactly. It makes me really upset to think not everyone sees it this way. And most people will never even think of it. They just accept whatever and go with it. One of my favorite quotes sums it up nicely.

    "How great is the number of those in whose minds no source of thought has ever been opened, in whose life no consequence of thought is ever discovered; who have learned nothing upon which they can reflect; who have neither seen nor felt any thing which could leave its traces on the memory; who neither foresee nor desire any change in their condition, and have therefore neither fear, hope, nor design, and yet are supposed to be thinking beings!"

    ~Samuel Johnson~
  10. hahaha thx for that
  11. I watched this, and I have to say, there's something really disgusting in the look behind those funda(mental)ist's eyes when they talk about natural disasters. It's like when they feel their prophecies are proven you can see this sick sense of satisfaction they hold, like the suffering and deaths and upheaval caused by this disaster is a fucking blessing from Jesus above and should be praised because it means they're right.

    It makes me want to vomit. :(

    On topic:

    I don't think the world is ending. I think as a species we're fucking ourselves over. I do believe we are reaching a tipping point in our natural environment due to our activities. I also believe that while there may not be a change in government, more and more people at the grassroots level are realizing the corruption and injustice that's been occurring in government for years, perhaps as a result of the system itself. We're running out of petroleum, our only lifeline for the past 100 years, and we don't have replacements ready yet. We're destroying our soil, water, wetlands, ecosystems, species (we're in the largest mass extinction since the dinosaurs died, because of humans), the list keeps growing. Business is not good as usual, folks.

    I think we're in for a big change, and not even spiritually (I won't go there here, that's all speculation). We are at a crisis point as a species. There will be some tough decisions ahead and a bit of a bumpy ride. I don't think we'll be the same on the other side, but I do think we'll make it. I guess only time will tell, though.
  12. I have to say, us humans do not have as much influence on the earth as you are saying we do. The earth is going throgh a natural cycle. It's been getting warmer ever since the ice age started melting away. The earth is always changing, no help from us.
    I'm curious though, why do you think humans have so much influence on the earth? ? Where did you get that idea?
  13. And that's why I started Zhan Zhuang Meditation. It channels ur internal energy, chi or qi, and distributes it to ur body killing sickness, unlocking our true human potentials. Making us stronger happier and as close to a natural human being as possible. If u haven't tried this yet, try it. There are youtube videos, trust me try this, it changed my life forever the moment I could actually feel this internal energy. I felt amazing and happy after I got done, and now it is a daily routine, along with huge bong rips after :bongin:
  14. If you see what's happening with the data, as far as science is concerned, temperatures and concentrations (of CO2 and CH4 and other greenhouse gases) are higher than they've been for hundreds of thousands of years and they're rising at a rate that is faster than at any previous time in the atmospheric record (ice cores, tree rings, lake sediments, etc.). At this point there's so much peer reviewed evidence out there for anthropogenic global warming that to deny it is akin to denying evolution.

    The planet's capacity for humanity (or at least the way humans live now) is approximately 2 billion. Now that we're at 7 billion and growing exponentially, it's ridiculous to think that the environment is not being affected by our presence. It's simple biology...if a species overpopulates/throws the system out of balance, the system finds a new state to accommodate the change, or finds a way to go back to the way it was, often dramatically and irreversibly (collapse of species isn't impossible).

    I don't believe the collapse/change will take place overnight, nor in the next couple years, but over the next half century to century we will have a difficult journey. We can't continue living the way we are as a species.
  15. #95 theanachronism, May 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thanks so much I'm gonna check this out after work today! I'll let you know how it goes=]
  16. I hope it goes well. Trust you will know if you are doing it right. If anybody else wants to start, I will embed a video below. All you skeptics, it is something you have to try yourself and it is something anybody can do.

    [ame=]YouTube - Zhan zhuang ([/ame]

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