Does air exiting the fan equal air coming in through the filter?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by plsfoldthx, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. OK, the fan feels like it's shooting out a lot of air, but I can't feel air coming in through the carbon filter unless I put my hand really close to it. Assuming it's air tight, which it is, does the amount of air coming out of the fan mean that's the same amount of air coming in?

  2. Yup - Goesoutta = Comesinta
    Unless there is a leak in the plumbing...

    Doesn't the air going into the carbon filter do so across a pretty good sized area?
  3. Yeah it's a pretty big area, I'm just having a hard time visualizing all that air coming thru

    Thanks! :hello:

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