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Does a bleeding ulcer that causes severe abdominal pain and nausea qualify me for med

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by ronniexveness, Jan 24, 2010.

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  1. Hello fellow smokers, I have a serious issue with a bleeding ulcer. I have suffered from a bleeding ulcer for a few years now and the medication that was prescribed to me has given me even worse abdominal pain and nausea. The only thing that I have noticed that helps is a good old joint to ease the pain, give back my appetite, and enable me to eat the recommended daily nutrition that I need to survive. would this qualify me for medical marijuana or would I just be wasting my time and money in pursueing this?
  2. Location?
  3. dowagiac michigan
  4. Probably, give it a try.
  5. Yeah, if you're in Michigan, go for it!
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