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Does a 1-2 day T-break affect tolerance at all?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by InfamousSecrets, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. How's it going GC!
    I'm just wondering because I recently bought a 1/4 O of some good stuff and when I smoked it I was super duper high. I took a 2 day T-break before I smoked this stuff and was wondering if 2 days actually impacted my tolerance or the stuff I smoked was super dank. So based on your experiences, does a 1-2 day T-break affect tolerance and if it does by how much (not so much or a lot)?
    I would love to hear some tips on T-breaks as well thanks so much!
  2. You probably don't have that high of a tolerance to begin with, but sure a couple days doesn't hurt, it's not going to be anything of significance most likely just the first high or 2 will be a little stronger.
  3. I don't notice a difference after 2 days. About 4-5 days is the minimum for me to make any difference.
  4. [quote name='"0226bamboozled"']I don't notice a difference after 2 days. About 4-5 days is the minimum for me to make any difference.[/quote]

    How consistently do you toke? Cause for me I need at least 3 days Been a consistent toker for around 3 years?
  5. It does a little no less than 2 days but the more ther merrier :smoke:

    Im gonna take a 4 day t break before i go back to school so when i wb that morning illbe ripped:--)))
  6. when i smoked an eighth of dank a day, yes i could tell after not smoking for a day or two.

    if i smoke every few days or maybe once a day, no taking a day or two off would be pointless.

    if you have made it 2 days then why not just aim for two weeks & really wait a week.
    atleast that way you can feel more accomplished
  7. I've had a 2 week + one since i been dry :| and still am
  8. Been toking for over 3 years, been a daily smoker for 2 years. The last 3 months I've been blazing 5-10 times a day. I'm on day 2 of a tbreak right now I'm gonna go for 2 weeks to a month.
  9. If you smoke a lot and then all of a sudden stop even for 2 days you will get quite a bit higher than normal.
  10. it depends on how much you smoke a day normally. if i smoked five joints a day for a week and took two days off from smoking completely, it would definitely affect me
  11. Thnks for the input guys, I guess it really depends on the person and how often they smoke. But a 2 day T-break got me higher than usual so I guess its all good :D
    Im kinda experimenting with t-breaks right now and if anyone knows the best t-break I would love to know! ::smoke::
  12. It all depends on the person, honestly, a 2 day Tbreak does NOTHING for me, but I'm a big dude to begin with(like 270+ lol), but my friend on the other hand... A 2 day break makes his tolerance suuuuper low, so yeah, all depends :) :bongin:
  13. Yea I fucked up and smoked today. I got fairly high but not too much of a difference. I'm jumping back on the tbreak wagon again tomorrow.
  14. I feel like a week minimum is necessary for noticeable effects. I'm a few days into mine right now and haven't had any trouble sleeping or appetite issues that everyone seems complain about on these forums. I was a daily toker for the greater part of the last year.

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