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Doctor said cannabis can worsen my crohns?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by 420blazed, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. This is fucked up I know for a fact it's helped me so much with the pain and my appetite. I had a check up at the hospital and I said when I first started having attacks/flare ups I used to take some bong rips to relieve the pain because mine were unbearable and I could feel it working, when I had flare ups I used to get nauseous, depressed from the pain and my appetite was gone but with cannabis it helps all of those. I said I've been using it for my crohn's and why don't we have access to medical cannabis as it works better than the meds they give you which gives you horiffic side effects. I was on prednisolone and it was plain horrible. He replied with I don't think you should be using cannabis at all because it contains fertilizer like cigarettes do which worsen crohn's, I think he might have said that because in the UK it's so common to mix cannabis with tobacco which contains fertilizers but I don't at all, I was just saying there are people who have access to medical cannabis in some states who are praising it for how much it can help people with crohn's. It just got me really annoyed and I wish we had access to medical cannabis because so many people in the uk would benefit from it
  2. Tell him to google Michelle Rainy(r.i.p). And that thing about fertilizer is bullshit. He just wants to give you prescriptions to pills made in labs that kill tons of a people every year. He won't get paid as much if you self medicate and don't need to see him as much.
  3. Well, if growers don't properly flush their plants before harvest, fertilizer salts still remain in the plant. I don't know if smoking fertilizer salts is a good thing at all, but I can't see it being good for crohn's.

    I do know that pretty much any negatives that your Doc tells you can be negated by using a vaporizer, edibles, or tincture.
  4. ..ask the Dr if that's based on a REAL study and evidence...or the dogma of 'the war on drugs' (if he takes government monies he has too...) then show this video;

    [ame=]YouTube - Grass: The History Of Marijuana[/ame]
  5. Anyone who grows properly and flushes their plants should never have to worry about fertilizer anything, and if you were really worried you would grow organic.
  6. Unfortunately, that is the NHS for you...They would rather give a prescription knowing full well the negative impact it can have on ones life, yet still do it regardless as it costs the taxpayer less.

    I can't comment on Chrons, but having read some of the other posts in the other chrons thread it sounds horrible.

    However, it would be naive to think that a doctor will give you the green light, so to speak, as there is no real movement for MMJ in the UK.

    I'd just ignore him, and do what makes you feel better. Remember, although they might be well-meaning, the doctor doesn't have to live with the condition. You do.
  7. #7 Storm Crow, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    OK hon, you want some "good karma" revenge on this idiot doctor? EDUCATE HIM!

    Warm up your printer and print the first page of each of the appropriate studies in the "Crohn's" section in the old version of my list, or the "Bowel Disorders" section in the new 2011 list (has a few more studies and I hope to get the new list up at GC today or tomorrow). If you print the whole studies, you'll need a ream of paper- some of those scientists are awful long-winded! :p

    Present him with the printups and tell him to forget the old Anslinger-inspired propaganda and read the modern medical FACTS! It has been known since 1970s that cannabis has a beneficial effect on most bowel disorders, so this isn't exactly breaking news! It's time to get the good doctor out of the 1950s! We have the responsibility of telling our doctors the medical facts about cannabis, since most know nothing more than the government line!

    Tobacco should be avoided because it DOES make bowel disorders worse. (why the folks in Europe mix yucky tobacco in with their good honest cannabis is a mystery to me! I know it's cheaper, but cannabis isn't hard to grow!)

    As for the ferts remaining in the cannabis, well (a) good growers always flush, (b) if you do worry about them, you can always "water cure" to remove them, (c) what about all the ferts in the FOODS you eat? Do THEY mess up your digestion? (d) you should be growing your own so you know EXACTLY what went into your cannabis!

    That poor doc is badly under-educated about cannabis!I've given you the "tools". FIX IT! :hello:

    Granny :wave:

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