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Doctor order drug test

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Bobbybdubs, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Can I use a detox just for thc only and still have other meds show up even if I take them after the detox? I would hate to get taken off my script for thc. It's unexpected random check that's never happened before told to me on Thursday. While I stopped, it's not enough time.
  2. You have the right to refuse a drug test from an employer, it might cost your job though. your choice. good luck.
  3. It's not for a job. It's my regular doctor. He is drug testing me to make sure I'm taking my meds and thc is not legal where I'm from.
  4. No worries, he's a Dr not a cop. Dr/pt confidentiality and all. U gotta be nuts to lie to your Dr imo.
  5. in my state if you are prescribed any pain meds it is mandatory they drug test you
    every month for 3 years i pee in the cup for hydrocodone
    if you come up hot for thc they are done with prescribing them from there on , you would be suprised how many folks get pain pills just to trade for real drugs
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. Thanks y'all. It's for adhd meds. I read Certo mask thc metabolites only since it's stored in your body fat. I smoke to help sleep at night. I'm probably going to do Certo but also tell him that I have smoked some pot and if I could take the test on my next appt. I heard of them testing for pain management. But this is my therapist office.They never told me I couldn't and I never signed anything that said I couldn't smoke pot. I don't do anything else so I was never worried til but if he makes it take it then I'm going to hope my karama kicks in.
  7. I'd just find a new doctor, they can't 'order' you to do anything you don't want to do.
  8. Agreed find a new doctor or better yet a PA or NP who will be much more likely to prescribe with asking questions
  9. you are throwing a wide loop there pard. Honestly many in the field just don't give a crap about your personal lifestyle, only as it pertains to their job. You R describing a worst case scenario imo & not what EVERY doc would do.
  10. You must go thru alot of Doc's. ;) When I need a Doc I try to find the best in his/her field for what I NEED medically, we don't need to be soulmates.
  11. well seems as if you might sugest that im bullshit
    let me tell you that under workers comp injury insurance your ass will take a piss test every month or you wont have pain meds PERIOD
    you come up hot on that test you not only lost your meds , but your job if you still had one,
    now when and if you want to fact check that shit let me know how and when you can beat the texas workers comp board.
    i truely want to know because i have lived for the last 10 years with nothing as far as there life time medical that is provided to injured workers.
    this is the main and only reason i grow pot mate, my pain and my wife pain . i dont give 2 shits about legalization of pot, in my mind it will be the next scam and has proved true this far as to all the crooks out there cashing in.
    dont think in any way you will just get another job and have the same injury and try the new employer route either, like i say fact check yourself and have another nacho on me .
    i have a file cabinet of every damn visit to all doctors along with MRI film of injuries , over 3 years of them

    once the doctor is done , your done , so commence to your fact checking and know what your talking about next time before you call someone that has it done out
  12. If you want to call yourself bs go ahead, I did not. Not everywhere is Texas. I am still on disab since 2010 and was on vicodin & valium, they were strongly urged. I only wanted motrin & valium. Then the political climate changed & vicodin was "bad" & everyone was strongly "urged & coerced to get off it". Imo people want to get by with the least effort. ratting someone out takes alot of time & energy which were in very short supply when I was working. No need to get hot it's just a difference of opinion. If you are just spoiling for a fight I'm sure someone will oblige you. I decline due to lack of interest. :confused_2:
  13. I don't think you can fool a doctors lab ordered test
  14. Except by substitution
  15. Being caught using a whizzenator, :oops: like that recently deceased actor Tom ??? must be worse than failing the test.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. A substitution wouldn't have all his other meds in the right amounts.
    OP is basically screwed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. It's ok to ask your doc "what are you checking for and why"? Some meds need to be monitored & that was normally done with bloodwork. The vicodin "piss" tests sound like something insurance/gov't/lawyers came up with to make sure the pt is taking them & not selling it.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Not to mention the vauge ass post doesn't say of it's urine or blood
  19. That must be your insurance company. I had two surgeries for a WC injury and wasn't drug tested a single time. I was on pain meds for almost six months.
  20. No, I've been with the same doc for about a decade.

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