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Do your lungs ever hurt after a while of smoking weed?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Billy Mays, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. lol my lungs fuckin suck...i got asthma too and it certainly doesn help.

    i remember my old college roomate had a device called was essentially a huge bowl that was a 5 gallon water jug. he wanted it to be a bong but didnt understand the concept of water passing thru the smoke to be effective...he just put water in there and the female piece was above the water line lol...anyways I swear to god u would smoke platsic everytime u blazed it. it tasted really fuckin wierd and my lungs would fuckin kill 45 minutes after smokign it still, which would never happen to me after a galss bowl of bong..or anything at all lungs arent very good cuz of that i think. those guys smoked so much plastic that probly took years off of their lives...i stopped ripping that thing after like the fourth or 5th time i used it
  2. My lungs only burn (I dont know if thats what your talking about) for about 20 minutes after smoking out of like a dry glass pipe. But its not really a big deal

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