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do you use different lingo in your city?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cypress, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I live in Houston and it really irks me that no one uses the terms ive heard in Florida or this forum. i was just wonderin if any of yall have the same scenario.

    shwag= shwag

    any mids to mid beasters= kb, kine, or fire

    high beasters to any headies= dro

    and what really sucks is that any time you get "dro" you most likely will just get some dank outdoor or soil grown bud. having grown hydrologically myself, the difference is all to apparent. what about yall?:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  2. LOL you mean hydroPONICALLY?
  3. i go from Reggie(ny) to Food(Jamaican) to trees(fla) i guess:confused:....
  4. DFW has some really stupid "super-secret stoner" nomenclature. Reggie, popcorn, firecorn, etc.

    Where I come from we had schwag (with the subclass brown-frown), mids, fire, chronic, and dro. An ounce was a zone and everyone was happy.
  5. #5 johnson1, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    i live in philadelphia and the lingo i use is just scwag middies headies and dank.

    For weed I say bud, green and tree usually
  6. here in eastern nc
    we have
    chronic. no one really uses headdies

    ounces are zones or onions
  7. i use

    high mids

    hp - half pound
    o - ounce
  8. #8 Jdahms, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Here its only mids beasters and headies. We keep it simple.

    KB means really good mids here, but it never is, and you usually want to avoid someone selling "kb" as it is usually just overpriced mids.

  9. Lol really? Ive never heard someone call ounces zones in NC although I hear egg or onion or zip most of the time.

    Chronic is interchangeable with headies in southern/western NC.
  10. Dro
    Ndub - I think thats more of a St. Louis thing, I heard that alot when I was out there.
    Purp - this is new around by me.

    People will come up with anything to upsell their shit though.
  11. snickel fritz, mids, chron, good shit, kush, purp
  12. brick, green, beasters, danks
  13. This is the slang here in CC:

    Shwag = dirt - good mids
    Mids - no one uses the term down here
    Dro - Anything better then high mids

  14. thats pretty weird bro!!! lol:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  15. high quality-dank,chronic,dodi,rope,fire,doj
    middle quality-alright bud,mids,sometimes its even called bammer
    low quality-bammer

    Don't gimme no bammer weed
    We don't smoke that shit in the SFC
  16. Here in Somerset, PA 1:30 away from Pittsburgh....A conversation ont he wuality of herb would go down like this.

    "Hey man, you got anything?"

    "Ya dude, I got this crazy shit"

    "Give me a Dime/Eighth/Quarter/Half/Ounce"

    "No problem"

    "So how good is it?"

    "Lets just say this man, My mom took a hit, And passed out, Clear out."

    "No shit, Nuts man nuts."

    Then you get home and be all......dude, My dealer is a fuckin tard, man doesnt even know what sativa means.....People dont pass out from a hit of anything lol.

    Essentially.....Herb=herb, Only the word that starts with not sure I can say that on the forums.

  17. ive NEVER heard of a zone. lol ive heard of a zip for an ounce.
  18. Low = Mexican Brown Bud
    Medium = Bud / Middies
    High = Dank Shit / One Toke Wonder

    I only buy dank shit. Fuck brown bud and middies. It's not worth the money.
  19. we call it weed around here. and an eighth is called a half quarter here.

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