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Do you think...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HunkyDory, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. that 190 is too much for a half ounce? this is my first time buying in bulk.
  2. Dro? or mids. I hope dro... If it's mids DON'T DO IT. If it's dro, that sounds ABOUT right. It may differ from place to place.
  3. yeah for some chronic 190 is about right. for mids i wouldnt pay that much
  4. I'm in Jersey and pay 240 per oz for mids
  5. :eek: Ounce is like $110 here in Florida. (Mids)
  6. Not if it's dank.
  7. For dank its $60 an ounce in texas :hello:
  8. Dank is $60 an eighth here... FML.

  9. WTF? :confused:

  10. same. :(
  11. Inconceivable!

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