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do you think weed stopped you from reaching your full potential

Discussion in 'General' started by GeorgeIsAwesome, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. do you think weed stopped you from reaching your full potential.
    its not a question of "do you regret smoking" but a personal question.
    do you think weed has stopped you from reaching your full potential either education wise, health and fitness wise, relationship wise etc... could be anything.

  2. nope. it's helped me to reach potentials that i never would've being sober.
  3. no, but in a way yes. It has actually improved basically everything for me especially my marks in school have increased since i started toking because if i do bad, i won't smoke, and if i do well, i will reward myself with it. I am also in great shape and go for runs all the time so it hasn't made me unhealthy. Only thing it has made worse is my relationship with my family. My parents don't trust me and i don't know what my sisters think about it but I've never talked to them about my smoking habits
  4. Like become president?

  5. No, I have only myself to blame.
  6. nope pretty sure i was retarded before the weed
  7. Most of the time when people ask if you reached your potential they're referring to status and money.
    The real question is what do those things have to do with your potential as a human being.
    You could make a million dollars and never do the things you dreamed of doing, never becoming the person you truly wanted to be.

  8. Nope. Weed has helped a million times more than it has hindered me.

    Not that you said it has ruined you life buuuuuut...

    Attached Files:

  9. Why is it so windy here?
  10. #10 Messiah Decoy, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
    Do cops get asked if they reached their full potential often?
    Why or why not?
  11. reach my full  potential? that's a good one......
  12. Man, before I started smoking weed I was the president of Canada.
    Now I suck dick for grams.
  13. Potential doesn't exist.
    Potential is like puttin' a cap on what a person can do...I don't believe in such limitations. :cool:
  14. I never had any potential to begin with
  15. How many people honestly reach their full potential?
    15%? 10%? 5%?
  16. Yes, I was supposed to reach my bed last night. But I never made it off the couch due to weed. That shit is blocking my sleep potential!
    Welcome to my sig OZA :wave: 
    The other day I wanted to be a social climber then weed told me "fuck that shit be happy with who you are".
    Weed blocked my poser potential! 
  19. #20 s A t I v A, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    nah... it gave me a inspiration to dream big. the rest was mechanical.

    the hand can't reach what the eye can't see...

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