do you think their'll be a cure for cancer by the time i get it?

Discussion in 'General' started by starjones, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. well its not the weed im worried about. i am 18 and have been smoking around a pack of marlboro 100's a day for a good year now. my dads 55 and hes been smoking since he was 13 and as far as we know he has no cancer. i does have asthma though. he also smokes between 2 and 3 packs a day.

    so i probably dont have a great chance of getting it. now they have all these advances in medicine and stuff so:
    do you think theyll be a cure for cancer by the time i get it? (assuming ill be over 55 years old in 2045 and have no other cancer other than a cancer caused by smoking cigis)
  2. There are already cures and prevention to cancer. They won't release the cure because of the billions if not trillions that could be lost on making $ off sick people.

    I'm sure with large amounts of money, you could quietly summon the right people for the cure.
  3. #3 Smokeitdown, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009

    Lol, I'm pretty sure if there was any type of cure for cancer they wouldn't be hoarding it to themselves. They wouldn't lose any money by releasing it because they would charge and collect a shitload for the treatments via health insurance & treatment fees and shit.

    As far as I know they don't know exactly what it is that causes cancer in the first place, once they find that then I think they would be able to develop a cure, or prevention method.

  4. You don't understand. They make more off people with cancer, than people without cancer.... Why would they throw their business away? I'm with you on this, the cure needs to be let known.
  5. starjones, lol.

    +rep for your braveness for using that name, lol.
  6. MMS ftw!
    miracle mineral supplement attacks and kills all pathogens. like someone else said, its not profitable enough for big pharma to release "cures", just treatments.

  7. Yeah man, snake oil vendors used to sell the same shit in the Old West, heard it worked wonders on the inhabitants of the brothel.

    I hate big pharma just as much as the next guy, but even they're not evil enough to keep the super secret cure to cancer under wraps just because it's not profitable enough... No one is that much of a bastard.
  8. Yeah dude they've had the cure for cancer for years

  9. LMAO
    are you serious? yknow how many natural cures for shit is available? are you seriously telling me that the people who start wars for profit wouldnt hide a cure to make some money? with all the technologies we have available you really think they couldnt fuck with some genetics and cancer cells to make a cure?

    your ignorance and hasty whiplash at me being a conspiracy theorist is astounding.
    who said its a super secret? obviously people with money have access to these things, remember south parks episode about aids ahnd magic johnson?

    ps: ive read alot of testimonies about mms and it seems legit.
  10. Yeah and testimonies also say that I can balance a cup of red wine on my bed and jump up and down without it spilling.. Shit's not true.

    I have no problem what so ever with conspiracy theorists, Pav. You believe what you want to believe in and I've seen my fare share of The X-Files. But I like conspiracy theories that have a single shred of ground to stand on or don't sound like the ramblings of a meth fiend.

    That's your basis for believing in a cure for cancer?

    Of course there are numerous natural cures for certain ailments, chinese medicine making the biggest strides in that area for the last thousand years... But honestly, with something like cancer, a thing that ravages so many human beings on a daily basis, causes so much pain and suffering and tears families apart, you really think there is someone out there sitting pat on the cure for cancer?

    Don't call me ignorant with the kind of ideas you bring to the table, it's like the pot calling the kettle black.
  11. Did you even read the ad? "World-renowned"! They couldn't say that it if it's not true
  12. #13 pavlakos, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009
    obviously you do, because everytime i say something thats remotely conspiracyish you just have to say it.

    and ill stop calling you ignorant and naive when you refrain from calling me a conspiracy theorist with ramblings like that of a meth head.

    if youve never used MMS how are you so sure its bullshit? it couldve saved thousands of lives for all you know.
    im getting some soon, for my fathers conditions(on of them being MS which theres also no cure for) and well see if it works or not. im just fascinated by how quick you are to call bullshit on something you know nothing about.

    edit: ive never seen an episode of the x-files, just for the record

  13. And it could just be water infused with rose hips for all you know.

    The only time I ever call you out Pav is when you say these ridiculously outlandish things then shit all over the people who disagree with you by calling them sheeple and ignorant.

    Sorry we don't all believe that the US government owns and operates 3/4's of the UFO's seen in the sky, sorry if we are all not so quick to jump on the bandwagon of believing in a secret cure for cancer, or that the NWO is going to kill of 90% of the world's population through the pharmaceutical industry.

    I don't have anything against conspiracy theories, not at all... I even still do believe that PARTS of the moon landing were staged in a desperate cold war bid for supremacy. But you ramble off all these ridiculous ideas Pav and you don't back them up with a single shred of what could even be considered as reliable information. You cite ridiculous cultish websites and testimonies probably written by the same man who created the wonder drug.

    I'll start believing half the shit you say Pav when there's actually some substance behind it.
  14. #15 pavlakos, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009
    thank you for proving my point.
    what do these things have to do with MMS or the possibility of there being a cure for cancer? you simply choose to bash everything i say because of all the other "oulandish" things i say.

    and i try not to shit on people, but when you act like you know for a fact that MMS is whack even though you know nothing about it, and then say that nobody would be greedy enough to horde away the cure for cancer to make money, all the while implying im a conspiracy crackpot and seeing everything i say as some conspiracy bullshit.

    honestly now, you must be so anti pavlakos, otherwise you wouldnt be focusing on the negativities of my statement, and wouldnt feel the need to bring up my conspiracy views and beliefs up all the time.

    ps: i would much rather ignore your rediculous comebacks, but i wouldnt want you to think im avoiding confronting you and your very reserved mentality.

    edit: many a time, especially when i know i have no proof, i make sure to include that i have no backup and dont expect people to believe what im saying, but i say it anyway because im sure there will be at least one person interested in what i have to say.

    in this situation neither of us have supporting evidence, only our views so dont expect this to be going anywhere.
    ill be sure to use my fathers case as evidence if it works.
  15. *crochety old librarian voice*
    now, now, you little brats! break it up! STOP arguing! or i'll slap your knuckles with my ruler!
  16. Don't make me LOL ^


  17. haha chill man, im not saying that is a definitive cure

    it's just somethin worth looking into
  18. im pretty sure the government would rather have us die anyway which is probably why there "seems to not be" a cure for cancer

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