Do you think "The Red Pill" has merits?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by jizzledfreq, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. I'm talking about Reddits subreddit "The Red Pill".

    I took that shit, now unfortunately I can't unsee everything they talk about!

    I saw it with my daughters mother who dumped me after I was unable to give her what her sisters boyfriends gave them, I saw it with a friend I met who dropped me like a hot potato and stopped talking to me after I became no use to her, I overheard a conversation between 3 women last night where one woman broke up with an "asshole" who treated her poorly, only to come running back when he invited her to a social event... The Red Pill was 100% confirmed...

    I've been single for a while now, and as I try to figure out why I think, "Is It because I'm not in shape?", "Is it because I have no resources (Money) for women to extract?", "Is it because I don't have social value?"...

    It's kind of demotivating, because even if I can change all those things, I can't change women, I can't stop hypergamy, and I can't stop her from swinging to the next branch that is: Chad Thundercock who will fuck her better, provide more and even better resources, and have a higher social value because he tons of friends, and other women who wish to have him...

    Am I shit out of luck when it comes to having a simple relationship with a loyal woman? I think so...
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  2. you need a blunt man
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  3. That I do.

    Have to take a T-Break for a while though so I can get a job (everywhere around me seems to drug test), and get my shit together.
  4. Welcome to the red side.

    The initial realizations hurt and can continue to hurt for a while, until successful adjustments are made.


    Once adjustments are made so that you can proceed in life using your new knowledge, your overall life will improve.

    Even if you aren't an ace in the world of the Red Pill, you will at least be living a more realistic life, therefore any gains will be more true and truly yours. Once you build on those gains, only good things should come your way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. idk what you mean...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. In terms of the dating world, "Red Pill" refers to realizing just how much of it is purely gains-driven.
    Meaning: the other party (man or woman) is actually only interested in what they can gain from the partner.

    In the case of the OP (since he's a straight guy), it was about women always and only going after the guy who could provide better, whether it was finances or physique, the two primary driving factors.

    The Red Pill refers to the red pill in The Matrix, where taking it began the process of revealing the real world.

    In old school terms, it's basically seeing how the sausage is made, then having to return to the regular world having incorporated that knowledge.

    It can be very powerful and useful, or just very depressingly demotivating.
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  7. Oh lol thnx for the info :)
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  8. I think the red pill takes things to a
    an unrealistic extreme. Everyone needs to see value in thier relationship but its not so shallow like the red pill suggests. Not that there aren't any shallow women (or men) but they aren't the majority.

    Sure I need my parnter to support themselves financially (Ive supported a deadbeat or two - it sucks) but I don't pick my dates based on their networth. Sure I need to be attracted to my date but you may be surprised what most girls find attractive. I know this isn't the case with all women but I avoid overly muscular men as they tend to be more shallow plus working around their gym schedule is a pain.

    6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

    I recommend you read that article before diving in with the red pill. You are free to beleive in whatever philosophy you want but I don't believe the red pill will help you find a fufilling relationship
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. I would say red pill in and if itself isn't extreme, more so a good chunk of RPers take the lessons to the extreme.

    I noticed that many seem to have this overall hate towards women, and anybody in their minds who they deem a "beta"

    I just get scared b/c everyday more and more women I interact with, have been in relationships with, or even overhear conversations prove the red pills theories. I'm scared b/c I'm 28, and I don't want to invest so much time and finances into another relationship, only for that woman to fuck me over, and leave me with nothing, then have a new BF a few weeks later... It's fucking SOUL CRUSHING to have that happen.

    I once read this awesome analogy about dating. Women are like the egg, they don't really have to do anything, Men are the sperm, all trying to be "the one" to fertilize, having to outcompete each other, women having plenty of options.

    I've only been in 2 relationships, but they both ended with me getting fucked over, heart broken, both moving on like I never existed... It's kinda fucked up the way I see relationships.
  10. Let's stop all this "I'm scared....soul crushing, etc" stuff.

    Focus on improving yourself and your life, and good people, men and women, will flock to you.
    Once you are secure in yourself, you will not be scared of what another person may or may not do.
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  11. I can see how you would feel that way when you have been screwed over. Men are capable of doing it too and I have been cheated on. I am actually fine with a non-monagomous relationship too - but only if its consensual.

    I don't have great advice for picking the right partner as you learn so much about a person long after you start dating. I guess don't rush to move in together or get married would be the best advice.

    I can't say for sure what happened in your case. Maybe you picked shitty people. Maybe there was signs the relationship wasn't right earlier? Nothing justifies cheating, you should end a relationship before moving on. But if the relationship was dead long before it was officially over that might explain why she moved on so quicklt
  12. To answer the question no I don't there are some people that don't care about how much money or w/e I am living proof of it. you just have to find the right girl. imo everyone has someone out there for them.
  13. The problem with discussing red pill philosophy is when women come and take part in the conversation; women are not apart of this conversation, because we are not talking about the women, but rather, the people that the women associate with and the reasons why.

    Women will say "this and this is the reason", meanwhile, few parts of what they are saying are actually true, because there are social constructs in place that deem these women whores for engaging in certain behavior associated with sexual partners and do not want to be labeled that, because being labeled that, actually jeopardizes there ability to BE that.

    In this same thought, we say, "if you get married, then the girl can take full advantage of you justifiably, without being labeled a whore," but if we look at what a whore IS... We see that being married is really the only thing from stopping that label being used.

    Once we look at what women do, instead of what we label them, we see many, many commonalities. This is what red pill describes, these commonalities between what women do, not if they are whores or not.
  14. Red pill is life, time to man up
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Life's hard my friend people are opertunistic hunters but their is some hope in this world some people are good just few and far between. Find someone with a good mind not a good body beauty is about how someone thinks not how they look their are a lot of beautiful people just hard to find I've found a couple took me a while but I did.
  16. Once you find people like that fuck the rest.
  17. Red pill = Painful but enlightened truth. Reality for what it really is. No buffer. Too much for brain dead zombies to handle.

    Blue pill = Comfortably numb. Ignorance is bliss. Mob/collectivist mentality. You are not an individual that thinks; you are a proud zombie.
  18. Nah... I unfortunately took the red pill, and now I cannot unsee it in every woman I've known. I'm transitioning from blue pill mentality, and learning to live as a red pilled male.

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