I used to HATE those shows and hosts. I coudln't stand turning the tv on and seeing them act like fools and embarrass and disrespect whoever they interview on the show. And thought you cannot be this dumb when talking about serious topics. But as I got older over the years I realized something. Politics are just that. The topic of politics and world news is so. fucking. dumb, that that's exactly the way you need to be in order to report on them. I get more real information on news than on CNN or Fox and other big companies. Your thoughts?
John has lost his touch, hes not nearly as funny anymore and Colbert is usually just fucking hilarious
Even cnn has guest some time that you wonder if there getting kick backs from the anti MMJ movement and all that
Yeah I'm more of a Stewart fan. Love satire news though. The Onion is always pulling good ones on real events.
colbert used to be way funnier in my opinion. in the last couple years he became a late night talk show kind of thing, doesnt work for me. stewart is still pretty on point though.
Yes, the show is a actually news reporting show with a satire spin on politics of the modern day. It kind of reminds me of stories from the past that are just that, satire. I love Stewart because he tells the raw truth. Colbert seems a bit more on the modest side and not really as open as Stewart.