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Do YOU think smoking marijuana is demotivating?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokerr, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Pretty straight foward. But what do you think. I think it is only when high. I just came down from a really intense high after 8 days of no smoking. And i must say I just banged out alot of homework and i feel accomplished and might smoke another bowl later to award myself for having a good day lol. :D
  2. No, people are just lazy and weed is an easy way to excuse their laziness.
  3. This might seem kind of weird, but often while I'm high, I have epiphanies and get huge motivational booms. Very cool. Weed definitely keeps me motivated.
  4. personally it makes me lazy and wanna just eat play video games. thats why i dont smoke before anything important to do
  5. Being sober is demotivating. at least it was last time i was sober for a day (10 years)
  6. Isn't that the point of it, or is it not a relaxant?
  7. I used to be able to do things while I was high. But now when I get high. I just don't wanna do anything. But that's maybe cause I get blown out of my mind nowadays. Not just a regular high.

    But it doesn't really affect me when I'm sober. Just when I'm high.

  8. Thank you!

    Yes me too. I smoke to motivate myself to do something, then smoke to reward myself after. I feel like its a fool-proof system haha. Its when i'm sober I don't have much motivation. One choice should be the opposite.

  9. if your a lazy person

    your going to be an even lazier stoner

    I fucking LOVEEEEEEEEE being outside stoned.
  10. I get a lot of things done when Im high.

    For example, the only time it is bearable to clean my cluttery room is when im high :)
  11. not really,i will admit that i would rather just do nothing ALL the time,but i have to much dignity to be that lazy,gotta get off my ass and do SHIT..speaking of which..i gotta go,See YA! :bolt:
  12. I only ever clean my room when high??? I just look at it some times and it pisses me off:confused::smoke:
  13. Depends on amount. I generally take a little snap before I start my homework. It makes it seem less frustrating/overwhelming and I just take it one step at a time, usually with some instrumental track playing quietly. I don't smoke a lot unless I have nothing to do. I hate being very high and trying to work through some homework. I'm pretty inefficient when it comes to homework while extremely baked. I get the correct answers but it takes at least twice as long as it would not so toasty.
  14. Overall, no. But it has it's moments.
  15. The only thing that can ultimately affect your motivation is you.

  16. Not all of it. There are wonderful things called sativa and vaporizers. CBD could be considered a relaxant but not so much thc.
  17. #17 kliff2004, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    I cant smoke and do homework XD

    But I find that drinking while I do homework helps me focus. I never find school work overwhelming. But when IM sober, my capacity to focus is extremely small. which is why my study sessions used to be 6 hours long. cause it just took me forever to focus properly.

    So what your saying is, lazy/demotivated = relax

    Sorry but they are two different things.
  18. I feel unmotivated sober, motivated high, and then unmotivated sober again.

  19. If you don't already try some absinthe, the REAL stuff. Never had it myself but from everything I've read it's supposed to give you a "clear" non messy drunk.
  20. #20 BrewCityLegend, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    I believe there was a comedian who said something along the lines of (not verbatim) "smoking weed doesn't make you lazy, it just makes you realize that all the things you were supposed to do aren't worth the effort".

    Even though he was presenting it as a joke, I think there is certainly an element of truth to that, at least to some degree.

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