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Do you think rolling machines are gay?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazed4dayz, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I suck at hand rolling. I suck horribly in my opinion. I can get the job done, but I never feel proud. I have really shaky hands, which sucks. I heard about rolling machines and decided to buy one and test it out.

    Most of you may think its gay to have a rolling machine, but does wonders.
    I brought a fat joint over to a buddies house that I used the machine for, and I showed it to him, and he was surprised at how good of a job it did.

    You can roll fat joints, bitch sticks, cones, etc.
    Got it for about 5-7$ so it was okay. Its useful cause it takes maybe 5-10mins only.

    It does sound gay, and I'm sure its not a cool thing to show off, but I just had to ask for opinions.

    Anyways, is it gay? Why.


    It isn't gay. Why.
  2. Why do you care what other people think? If it works for you, then kudos. Most people learn to roll without one incase they need a J rolled on the fly.
  3. I didn't know rolling machines had a sexual preference, or even genitals for that matter.

    You have to be 18+ up to be on here so you might wanna start talking like an adult. Not a 5th grader
  4. Well I always feel better smoking my own rolled joints. But if you really need a perfect product then just go for it. I don't think it makes anyone a bitch or it's "gay" but to others it might. And how does it take 5-7 minutes it takes anywhere from 3 to 30 seconds depending on the machine :p
  5. its not gay to have a perfectly rolled j.. and its alot faster, burns smoother ect...

    wish i had one but i dont smoke j's that much anymore
  6. I use one because i cant roll for shit, but when im with friends who can roll i let them, because they roll way better joints in about the same time as the roller.
  7. I've never heard of a homosexual rolling machine, but hey if that's what it's into, to each its own.
  8. It's only gay if you put your dick in it and it doesn't complain...otherwise it's probably neutral, but it depends on the machine.
  9. there only gay if you brag about how you roll perfect joints even though you used a rolling machine or your bragging about your machine even though it is a $3 piece of crap plastic
  10. in my opinion its not a big deal. ive used one before, they do work wonders. id take one if it was given to me, but i dont really feel the need to buy one.
  11. To clarify:
    I don't mean 'gay' in the literal sense. Some buddies I toke up with regularily think that rolling machines are for people who cant roll for shit.

    And I'm not trying to say anything bad about these either. I don't really get effected by the opinions, I just want to hear them.

  12. Here is the deal man,you need to be able to twist one up in the air,so when your out and about. When at home use the machine bc it's perfecton with 1.25 and a gram. It's sorta like this man, if your in the middle of a jungle you need to know how to make a bamboo bong, if you on a island you need to know how to make a cocunut pipe. If your in the dessert you need to know how to make a earth bong. So basically in any smoking situation you need to be prepared a Jack of all trades, know what I mean?
  13. I can roll a joint and i also have a joint roller. It's kinda just how im feeling. Sometimes i feel like rolling something up, but if im feelin lazy or about to head out i usually just use the roller.
  14. For cigarettes, no
    For joints, yes
  15. I would say a roller is good to have, especially if you want to roll an especially fat joint or aren't up to rolling. But, in the meantime, I would practice rolling by hand. Once it clicks for you it's like riding a bike.
  16. Are you looking for one that might be "into" you?
  17. I can roll a nice J if it's nice bud. But if it's dry and crumbly, I can't roll for shit. One thing I like about a roller is if your smoking people who like to slober all over it, it don't plug up as easy. You would think people who smoked for 30 years would know to wipe there lips off before the hit it. Before I got a roller i use to us a dollar bill to roll with. I'm All for rollers.:smoke:
  18. I use a roller from time to time just because my friends can't roll J's for shit. Sometimes I'm just too lazy to spend the extra 30 seconds to produce a handrolled piece of magic or I'm too stoned to do it and the machine becomes my one-way ticket to the moon. Either way, if you get high and enjoy it then who cares what your friends think. If they insult the fact that you use a machine then you should remind them that they don't have to smoke the joint you rolled them. Learn to use your hands for rolling just because it's a good skill to have, but machines are perfectly acceptable.
  19. the op sounds like he's underage, so give him a bewak
  20. gay? Oh yes, it's definitely gay. It isn't that hard to talk like a normal person, cmon.

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