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Do you take T-Breaks??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by J4K3ST3R, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Hey guys...
    I'm blazed up so excuse my run on sentences:smoking:
    But anyway.
    Do you guys take T-Breaks? I don't?
    I have an extremely low tolerance...
    Like, if you give me a bowl of some average bud and i can share it with 3 people and be stoned off my ass.:p
    and ive been smoking probably 2 grams a day. and ive been smoking like this for about a year... ill smoke a bowl. get high by myself, and an hour later ill smoke a bowl. and i pretty much stay high all day like this. i have nothing else to do. out of school on break, and im making my money raking leaves
    But yeah, do you guys take tolerance breaks?
    will i eventually have to take tolerance breaks?
  2. T brings are worth it temporarily. Tolerance can be lowered through abstinence, but using it again will shoot your tolerance back to average (what it was prior to t-break) fairly easily.
  3. I've been smoking for three years and find the occasional t break helps me out. Taking fish oil helps restore your endo-cannabanoid system as well. I tend to only take them for one or two weeks while taking the fish oil regularly, then only smoke two times a week for a month or so. I havent done this for a while though.. maybe I should again, haven't been getting great highs despite having some really dank bud.
  4. Just started mine. Smoked all of my herb yesterday and just started my tolerance break.
    I do recommend it for you other people out there who are on a budget and can't get any great highs.

    So my tolerance break is going to be two weeks, maybe more if I can't get a decent amount of money to support my hobby. Anyone have some tips for me to get through the cravings, loss of appetite and whatever else that you think will happen? I'm already experiencing the loss of appetite and oh boy, let me tell you... Stuffing food down your mouth to survive does not feel nice. :/
  5. T-breaks go against my religion.

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