Do you support treatment instead of incarceration for smoking Marijuana?

Discussion in 'General' started by JoeVullion13254, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. #1 JoeVullion13254, Aug 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2013
    would it be ok if instead of having to spend the rest of your life in jail for smoking weed, you get fined hundreds of dollars, they confiscate your weed you just bought, and they force you into treatment for a few months. How would you like that? Good enough or is that not enough reform?

  2. That all sounds just terrible. I'd prefer marijuana to grow wild and I could have my liberty to indulge in what I want as long as it hurts nobody but myself. Oh, and it doesn't even do that! 
  3. Neither.  Just leave the potheads alone.  SHIT.
  4. What kind of treatment, it's not addictive. And I won't be spending my whole life in prison, I would get probabtion in my state. And my state is considered strict lol
  5. In some states like Oklahoma, if you get caught with any amount of marijuana, they will lock your ass up till you die! Happens all the time. 1 joint in Oklahoma and a lot of southern states is treated like murder. 
  6. I'm from the south, and live in the south. But please post your source for this info if you don't mind.
  7.  I believe in rehabilitation rather than locking people in a cage to think about their problem in most cases. Besides it has been pretty well proven that once people go to prison they keep coming back. The correction system is obviously fucked and nobody really talks about changing it.
    Then there are people like anders behring breivik who deserve to rot in a cage for the rest of their life because they have no remorse for the horrific crimes they commited.
  8. I support treatment over incarnation on all drugs.
  9. Oklahomas marijuana laws
    It is a crime to knowingly or intentionally possess marijuana (including small amounts for personal use) in Oklahoma. In addition to a possible fine, the judge will sentence a defendant to up to a year in jail for a first offense, and between two and ten years in prison for a second or subsequent offense. (63 Ok. Stat. Ann. § 2-401.)
    • Cultivating up to 1,000 plants, or selling up 25 pounds. Penalties include a fine of up to $20,000, between two years and life imprisonment, or both.
    • Cultivating 1,000 or more plants. Penalties include a fine of up to $50,000, between 20 years and life imprisonment, or both.
    • Selling between 25 and 1,000 pounds. Penalties include a fine of between $25,000 and $100,000, between four years and life imprisonment, or both.
    • Selling 1,000 pounds or more. Penalties include a fine of between $100,000 and $500,000, between four years and life imprisonment, or both.
  10. i support legalization of all drugs, some drugs more strictly regulated on where and how you obtain it...  oh yea and legalize prostitution as well
  11. Craigslist
  12. IMO OK will be the last to legalize MMJ ...rough ! but hey I'd move if I had to smoke for health reasons..Oh screw treatment!  for weed? NAW ! :confused:
  13. I do support treatment over incarceration anyday. You just said it in a really arrogant/ignorant way.

    And yes people mj can be addictive. Not everyone is the same and people can get addicted even to masterbating for fucks sake. Mj is a true miracle in many ways but it can still be addictive.
  14. i don't like either...but if i had to pick, i'd take treatment though, sure its some bullshit, but it beats going to prison
  15. Lol damn autocorrect.

  16. I support the whole sale legalization of marijuana and the banning of all tobacco and related items.
  17. I support Brandon you fucker calling me about that quarter I asked about. This is day 4 of being not stoned and it's been a tiring fucking adventure! I know you're gonna read this so wtf man?
  18. Less government is the only answer for our nation. In my opinion.
    Hey man - you're sig's commin through.
    Yeah Brandon, wtf?

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