Just curious... do you guys ever start to drool while you're milking a bong? I personally don't but I know people who do...
I used to when I first started. I changed my ways. Luckily I know that I used to do it, so before I bongs I always dry up my mouth a little by taking a big breath of fresh air. No biggie.
haha I thought i was the only one when i first started smoking. It mainly happened when I tried taking massive rips.
Did it today. Happens in my double perc because i have my mouth open for a while due to the long drag hits.
Only if I don't tilt the bong.(which I always do.) Because I think when you look straight down with your mouth open, you'll drool...
Matt is that the luck sign in your sig? Ive seen a shit load of swazis, but I dont remember which one that is
If it happens, I stop my hit and wisp in a jet of dry air to clear my mouth of saliva. Breath out all the excess air, and continue hitting the toob. Problem solved.
rarely but i almost always do on the first 3 hits on a metal bowl idk why though never the less i love to smoke me some nugs that make me drooooool lol