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Do you smoke when you go camping?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MisterStardust, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. Hi everyone, I use a GONG bong to smoke out of for the most part and I have a smaller one that I've been using as my daily driver since getting it, but my main bong is a beaker bong. I have a few bubblers.

    When I go camping, I've been bringing my metal bubbler, and then some kind of unbreakable bong that probably isn't silicone, but comes apart and takes a glass bowl. The last time I went camping, I kept knocking this bong around with the glass bowl it came with in it. When I packed a bowl and put it in the bong to smoke, the bong bowl broke right at the base where it goes into the downstem. I had a backup pipe with me, but I was really frustrated about my bowl breaking. I haven't broken a bowl in a long time.

    Now I want to get one of those bong bowls that are silicone and then have that glass part on the inside so it can't break again, and of course be more careful.

    I was wondering what everyone else does when they go camping? What's your smoking set up?
  2. Only really been camping like once or twice years ago so I'm not really qualified to answer but if I were to again I really feel like I wouldn't want to bring a bong at all. If I brought some weed to smoke I'd take something smaller like a pipe/bubbler or just roll some up instead. Bringing two smoking tools (you said u take a bubbler and bong) seems totally unnecessary I wouldn't suggest that.
  3. I just smoke joints.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Some people bring battery operated blenders camping too, SOooo? It's your camping trip, no wrong answer.
  5. [​IMG]
    Vaporizer here, charges, like the I-phone on a 12v dc solar panel or an RV socket
  6. Every time I ever went camping was with groups of friends, so joints were the answer.
  7. If you ain't smoking when you are camping, you ain't camping! Lol it's a must!!! Smoking weed in nature is the best!

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Camping stoned without a care in the world is the greatest thing! It truly makes you appreciate the beauty of nature. IMG_0187.jpeg

    IMG_4627.jpeg IMG_2579.jpeg IMG_4624.jpeg
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