Do you smoke inside or outside at home.

Discussion in 'General' started by dutchboy79, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. Sorry if this is a repeat question. Just curious if its a 50/50 ish split..

    When I'm home, I always smoke outside. I guess partially because I don't want the smoke in the house but also because I like the fresh air

    However I do also enjoy going to see my dealer and taking huge bong rips in his living room. Another guy I smoke with also smokes inside. Am I in the overall minority?
  2. I smoke in the staircase of my building so its inside but outside my house

    Sent from my private jet using Grasscity forum

  3. Don't get me wrong, smoking outside can be great. When it's nice out, you got a couple friends, some brews...but I definitely would not wanna go outside every time I want to smoke. Nothing beats being able to chill inside, watch tv, smoke a bowl, especially if you don't have to worry about the smell. I could understand why some people would HAVE to go outside to smoke b/c of their living situation, which would suck.
  4. Usually, by the door leading out to my garden. In Winter, inside my room.
    But hey, I just smoked a cigar on my couch and i'm planning on smoking a spliff right now, to drift off to sleep.. so I'm contradicting myself. 
  5. I still live with my rents and they don't like the place reeking of illegal drugs. So it's bowls inside, blunts/joints/spliffs outside. 
  7. I used to smoke inside, till my wife had our child, now I'm an outside smoker.
    what'd I do lol
  9. I smoke all over this bitch. Living room. In Bed. In the tub or on the shitter. While cooking food in the kitchen. Out in my garden shed. out on the deck. Basement. Garage. Pretty much everywhere except up in the tree in the front yard. 
  10. I live with my sister who does not partake and they don't want it in their home. So I have to smoke outside every single time I want to smoke. I don't really mind it too much, in fact now I enjoy smoking outdoors more than indoors because living in Kansas I was always so paranoid smoking outside. It just really sucks when it's snowy or raining... Even if it's super cold but dry it's not THAT bad. 
    When I get my own place I'll smoke inside again but I'm not going to completely hotbox my place like I did in the past. Whenever I start smoking inside again I'll open up a window and use a fan. I lived with five other stoners in a house for 2 years and it did get kind of old having the house constantly reak of weed and smoke. 
  11. Usually inside. Sometimes outside.

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