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Do you remember last time you bought shitty weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by roma, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. #1 roma, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2011
    I'd like to know if you remember how long ago was the last time you bought shitty weed.

    I remember 2 summers ago my friend and I were out of hookups so we had to hit up this black Guy across the street. he had shitty weed that I bought anyways. He sells dank nowadays.

    also this doesn't really count but like a month ago I bought some shake and unlike the shake I get from some other guy, I had to smoke 2 bowls just to get something more than a buzz. yeah.. not good.

    those were the two times that I recall, now it's been good days

    anyways share away
  2. I wanna say august I hung out with these one guys and all they smoked was reg. I brought kush over one time and they were all like so happy hah

  3. always dank in canada at $10/gram so ya thats probably cuz im right next door to bc though xD (alberta)
  4. Last week my bud was out of town and a friend wanted to get some off me. So I went through a good friend of mine's guy.. 60 a half O so I was amazed. I went over and smoked a bit but damn it was bad. Smelled like cat litter box and the bud was so purely cured the stems behaved more like one of those thick green branches that don't break. I basically had to put the terrible, wet weed through my grinder and it was impossible to break up. I rolled it all up into J's so i could get rid of it fast. Poor high, loose, fluffy, bud that was more green than brown. Definitely high schwag to low mids.

    Thank god it was a one time thing.. it's such a disappointing situation to go from a great connect to having to scrounge for scraps.
  5. The last time I bought shitty weed? May of this year. Paid $40 for 2.3 grams. I counted 40 seeds in that bud. I called him one last time a few weeks later out of desperation and he sold me 2g of some dank for $30 and gave me a free space cake. Kind of made up for it I guess.

    The worst weed I've ever seen though...that's a whole 'nother story. Long story made short, I hooked up this random guy I met with my dealer (oddly enough, the same dealer I just mentioned). He ground up a bunch and handed me the grinder and his one hitter and told me to smoke all I wanted. I took a few hits and thanked him. He then handed me a little over 1/4 oz of the last bud he was smoking and asked if I would mind throwing it away. It was dark so I couldn't see it so I laughed and said "Uhh, I think I'll just hold on to this". Like, come on, how bad can it be? Eventually I found some light and looked at the bud. I couldn't tell if I was looking at dirt, seeds, seed casings, stems, or weed. I proceeded to dump the entire bag on the ground.
  6. never. i refuse to buy shitty weed.. you should do the same
  7. My friends and I bought a half of "Extreme" from this stupid kid. The bud looked strange, and we think the bag was sprayed with Lysol or Febreeze, as some of the sketchy dealers do this.

    We wraped a Mentos roll in papes, and filled up that sucka. It was a 5g joint, and it was sooo not extreme.
  8. #8 percul8r615, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2011
    And what makes the dealer stupid? Lol you bought ganja sprayed with febreeze
  9. Two weeks its for firecrackers though so it doesn't matter.
  10. Some brown dirt native weed with seeds in it. Im not racist but a fucking native sold me this shit, never baught from him again.
  11. Yep, my boy who almost never smokes, wanted to smoke a blunt with me but he only had $5. So we drive out to the hood and pick up some of the dirtiest brown in front of a liquor store I've ever seen. Shit tasted like soap. This was like 2 months ago.
  12. Bought an ounce and a half for $40 of some pretty shitty weed last week to make edibles. It wasnt dirt weed, it just looked like really shitty grown dank. It actually had some alright smelly nugs in it that i picked out and smoked
  13. A toss up between this one shake sale this dispensary had or this new strain this other dispensary tried to make.

    Not sure what I will do with the shake. I've had it a very long time so I might flush it.
  14. Hmmmm....... never purchased 'shitty' weed but have smoked some. 99.8% of the time I have smoked in my life it was dank weed. That .2% was when friends who weren't really stoners bought mids and we matched a bowl.
  15. Yeah, I had no choice as I was leaving for a trip so it was that or nothing.

    It got you stoned but it tasted like a fucking bonfire. After that day I refuse to smoke anything like it again.

    Nobody likes The taste of a bonfire.
  16. I got a wet ounze from someone that owed me , when I dried it it was only like 9 grams and taste like shit
  17. Back when I bought in grams [loltolerance], I didn't feel like walking to the "Bud House" I usually bought from and instead called up this one dude who was always hustling in my area and asked him to meet me on the corner of the street.
    He walks up, hands me the bag, I hand him the 5, and we go our separate ways. I check out the bag once I'm back inside, being extremely paranoid of being seen at the time, and before my eyes is the shittiest, most seedy pile of brown bud I've ever bought.

    Needless to say, I never bought from that dude again.
    I still got pretty high off it though.
    I miss being new to Mary Jane.
  18. [quote name='"AthenaCentral"']Back when I bought in grams [loltolerance], I didn't feel like walking to the "Bud House" I usually bought from and instead called up this one dude who was always hustling in my area and asked him to meet me on the corner of the street.
    He walks up, hands me the bag, I hand him the 5, and we go our separate ways. I check out the bag once I'm back inside, being extremely paranoid of being seen at the time, and before my eyes is the shittiest, most seedy pile of brown bud I've ever bought.

    Needless to say, I never bought from that dude again.
    I still got pretty high off it though.
    I miss being new to Mary Jane.[/quote]

    What else did you expect from a corner hustler only spending $5.00? Lol some bomb?
  19. I was a complete newb.
    I only buy in bulk nowadays.
  20. [quote name='"AthenaCentral"']

    I was a complete newb.
    I only buy in bulk nowadays.[/quote]

    Word, grow your own you'll save $

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