Do you really believe love is a thing

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by finn slice, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. I dont really have a side on this topic heres what I think.
    Well the facts as I look at them is humans are technically animals and no other animals fall in love. There are some that mate for life but thats not because they like they love their mate its because its a survival tactic and the majority of humans dont mate for life so I dont know how love would aid in survival in any way.
    Now on the contrary I know humans are obviously a lot smarter and just flat out of different than most animals so it wouldnt really suprise me if love actually was real. And I hear this arguement A LOT "You dont know its real until you fall in love" and Ive never been in love so I cant really decide. What stance do you take.
  2. #2 CC99, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2014
    well I guess you could say love is a feeling/emotion that is there for sure but undeniably fades. anything fades as we get used to it, though. if youre really in love with someone and spend your life with them though you really spend so much time growing together and accompanying each other it would be pretty hard to just throw that away because a feeling has "worn off". it's kind of like your just always care about them because you've been through so much with them. i'm sure even adopted kids feel this way.
    but in the same sense 2 people could be in love but end up growing apart, and that just happens.
    i mean life is complex. staying in love isn't something that just "happens" it requires work on both ends...a big part of being together is wanting to be together, for the right reasons.
  3. Do I believe in love? Yes, I'm in it.
    Humans, though instinctual, have what I can only think to refer to as soul. That part, thanks to evolution, that gives us morality and allows us to appreciate things like humor, beauty, wisdom, and love. It's something you can't know until you experience it for yourself, but trust that it's perhaps the most fulfilling aspect of a life. Something so powerful it's shaped history for centuries.
  4. #4 finn slice, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2014
    Disagreed on the last statement. Not that long ago people would propose to a lady very quickly within meeting them sometimes the first day without the years of a social dance we call dating today. People back then wouldnt go to dinner and get to know each other. And of corse there are arranged marriages so to be honest if love is really a thing it has maybe shaped a couple centuries max.
  5. #5 Paper Planes, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2014
    I disagree that we can definitively state that animals don't fall in love. Our ability to communicate with them is rudimentary at best, and all that allows us to identify what happens in our brains and bodies as "love" is our ability to communicate and give a name to it. Since the best information we have right now says that all life has a common origin before speciation began to occur, I think it's presumptuous at best to assume we're the only animals who can love.

    Chemically, love is definitely a thing. There are very observable effects on the brain and body when one feels love. It exists in order to foster social coexistence and to cause us to pair bond and mate.

    As for more flowery/poetic notions of love -- love is good. I think it's one of the better parts of existing. Even though it's often fraught with complications (jealousy, strife arising from incompatibility, etc) -- some of which can devolve into conflict or violence and thereby defeat the purpose of love -- it's obviously a serious motivator for our species. We write songs about it, build monuments to it, create art inspired by it. Whether it's "real" in whatever metaphysical sense, its effects on us are very real.
  6. i think its a trait from way back when our pre-evolved forms were in the wild. 
    like how animals choose a mate and raise their young and all that, that's love.
    But being what we are today comes with needing answers for things and definitions so we came up with the concept of souls and love and all that jazz.
    That's just my take on life, something simple that if we relied on purely instinct would be no trouble but we think too much.
    Of course we wouldn't have the innovations and whatnot that we have today, probably whacking bitches with clubs and dragging them into caves and shit. it's complicated i guess.
  7. Yeah it's real.

    It's pretty incomprehensible until you're in it. It's complex as fuck. But it's definitely real.
  8. state of being
  9. I think it's real, whether it is for family, friends, or romance. You don't really have to feel it yourself to know it exists, you've already heard of it and hopefully you'll get to experience it too.
  10. I wouldn't count the, were animals and other animals don't fall in love. We do a lot of things animals can't do, and vice versa.

    But yes I believe love is a real thing, do I think I'll find love? Not until I have a kid.
  11. #12 bakedapl, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    Love is really something else. It's as beautiful as it is scary and can hurt just as much as it can uplift.
    One of the most complex part of romantic love in my experience is differentiating between loving someone and being in love with someone. I learned that last year.
  12. everyone experiences it at some point or another. you feel different types of attachments and bonds whether with family, friends or things.
  13. #14 Jingo Dookstain, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    Is happiness and frustration a real thing? Most people would say yes; that is how I feel about love.
    A key element of being human is the ability to feel the emotions that are specific to our own species.
    Edit: It's a hard thing to prove exists. It's like asking if countries are real. We all know that the boundaries between nations exist, but we can't always see or touch them. The same principle applies to emotions. It's a very real concept, but we cannot exactly prove as much.
  14. Asking if I believe in love is like asking if I believe in God, I haven't much evidence to support such a belief, but somehow I still have to believe in it.
  15. The unanimous answer is yes so I got to believe yall but reguardless it is a complicated and abstract concept..
  16. #17 KarmicJuub, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    Love exists because fear exists. They can't "exist" without one another. 

    All emotion is a continuum with two poles, (+) and (-). 

    Love/acceptance is on the positive side. Fear/Rejection is on the negative side.

    The fabric of the universe is largely created out of the vibration of the positive side of love.

    This is the concept that is metaphorically conveyed in the popular story of "Adam and Eve and the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge."

    We are all given the ability of choice, you can choose between fear or love. 

    It's my belief that if you choose to be miserable, you WILL be miserable.
    If you choose to be happy, you WILL be happy. 

    Like...people erect their own paradise or hell around themselves with their thoughts and ideas which construct their own realities. 

    As far as "love" in the conventional sense, it's like a prism.

    If you shine a light on it, the light will split into various colors, all of which are contained within the visible light spectrum.

    Love is like a spectrum there is romantic love (wanting to hold hand and be with someone because of how they make you feel accepted), lusty love (sex and sexual attraction), unconventional love (family members, pets, etc.), friendship love (best friends, pets), etc.

    Love is an umbrella word to describe the feeling we get when we feel attracted to another object or feeling.

    It exists and in my opinion, is the reason life is worth living. It's really the only "thing" in physical reality which is totally, 100% pure.
  17. #18 TinTizzy, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    I think it's an emotion...there's more than one type of love like the instant gratification kind , the kind based on gradual revealing of common interests/ ideals like a relationship, the love of a parent to its child, ect...I think the love a parent has for a child is the only real transcending love and even that kind needs the ability of the parent to be able to essentially all love has to be learned from somewhere and therefore isnt universal
  18. Of course it's a thing. Granted, it's a chemical reaction in the brain, but that doesn't make it not a thing. Fire is a chemical reaction.
  19. Depends what variant of love you're talking about, there are more than 4. The most typical form of love is "Eros" which is romantic love for a significant other. Below is the triangular theory of love, which varies due to different components required. Love isn't an object, but a reaction unless you externalize your love towards an object (materialism). 

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