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Do you prefer sativa or indica?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by JakeMader, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. i prefer indica because my whole body feels amazing while sativa i dont like much because its just a head high and its alright not great like body highs
  2. I cometely agree. I feel like I can get the right effects by using different temperatures on my vaporizer.
  3. I perfer indica, sativa makes me paranoid and gives me too much of a stone sometimes, but if im at a party and want to get fuuuucked and have a good time i wont mind alittle bit of sativa ;) know what i meen ? :bongin: :bongin:
  4. Sativa. Reason being is that if I'm going to spend money on nug and get high, I'd rather be awake for it. Indica always sedates me and I just go to sleep. I feel like it's a waste of my high, so I prefer to have sativa, a nice, hyper, enjoyable time.
  5. sativa.

    it's not hard to tell the difference and at large, indica is what we get most of around here and it's always a nice treat to discover that i just bought a bag of sativa. more talkative, generally a more enjoyable high. indica's got me all herp a derp'd
  6. I don't really have a preference between the two, just certain strains of either that might stand out a bit for me. I like Indicas when I want to chill, sleep, or am not feeling well, and Sativas when I want energy and inspiration.
  7. I could care less, i mean if its dank i smoke that shit
  8. i like hybrids mostly but if i have to pick one of the two it depends on what i'm doing. Sure people can tell the difference and i've had indicas produce sativa like high because it had a very high thc count and low cbd/cbn and vise versa.
  9. Somebody needs to smoke more weed.
  10. I think hes new here ;)
  11. nothin like waking up and smokin a nice sativa to start the day. Though, i do like how indicas make me way more chill.
  12. Personally, I prefer a nice indica after I've done what needs to be done for a day. Helps me relax and I panic with sativas ahahah :p
  13. Indica>Sativa IMO I like sativas occasionally. Whoever believes the two are identical highs hasn't smoked long enough to know.
  14. Sativa during the active hours of the day because it makes me feel energetic and ready.

    Indica before bed. I like to laze out and feel sleepy.

    I also appreciate hybrids.
  15. Viva' Sativa'! I'd like to be an intellectual freak when i'm stoned.
  16. Indica is a lot better for me overall. I prefer the body stoned feeling. but I prefer pure sativa or a50/50 strain .

  17. LMFAO! thats cause og and sour d are both sativas, haha! thats funny, goes to show how much you know about it.
  18. idk id say sativa cause theres hardly any of it around alabama, ive only had sativa 2 times, and ive smoked over 2 pounds at least in the last year. I like indicas at nighttime more though.
  19. I don't care lol.

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