Do you need C02 for a closet grow?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by HIGHDRAPONIC, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. So here i am goin down the same old road again trying to figure out what i need, and what i dont need. But my question here is what can CO2 do for the flowering stages and how can it be applied with no budget over 200 dollars? Thanks:)
  2. I read a ton about this on here and it seemed the general conclusion is that if you have a sealed room and have co2 on a regulator, it's worth it but otherwise (DIY generators, etc) the amount you put into it for supplies, etc, does not equate in yield
  3. hey man! you dont need any supplemental co2 buddy! just breathing around them/smoking/lighting candles and all that good shit will work.

    you dont need supplemental air... a plant wont iether....
  4. Not at all required.

    It sounds like you might be new to this, if that's the case, I'd suggest not worrying about co2 for your first couple of runs, as you'll have enough new things to be getting used to.

    It is worth doing, but you'll also get good results without it, and it can be added to your setup later on easily enough. I'd suggest focusing your money more on good light and ventilation first.
  5. +rep that, great advice!

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