OK, Im just curious. Im just getting back to smoking and will be a casual smoker. I look pretty clean cut. Im not military or suit-n-tie. Just standard business casual clean cut.. styled, but conservative. No one would ever consider me a smoker by looking at me. So Ive wondered what the spread is for appearances. Im wondering what the GC community looks like out there. Im not trying to make any judgments at all... I used to have purple hair and wore nothing but tie-dyes Im just curious .
i usually wear 3-4 year old chucks that ive worn nearly every day (i love em to death) and some pretty raggy lookin clothes, not by choice but thats all i can afford. i shave my head so my hair doesnt really look "stoner-ish" but i dont care, im not smoking because i think people who smoke look cool and i want to be like them.
long hair, billabong hoody and usually some pj's haha so yeah as of now. But when i shave my hair nah not really
I'd say the average stoner looks like someone who seems as though they haven't washed in days, wears a tshirt found on the floor of their bedroom regardless of how long it's been there or the stench. Someone who has messy hair as a result of not caring about their appearance, and someone who looks like they generally don't give a fuck about much of anything worthwhile.
well since this is a thread based of stereotypes, then yes i guess i look like a stoner. Im black, with constant pink, half closed eyes, dress like a "gangster" which apparently fits the stoner image nowadays.
I used to always look stoned. My eyes glaze over naturally whenever they want, I have semi long hair, about shoulder length(I am a guy), I would never paay attention in school, and a lot of my teachers would joke around with me about smoking a lot. One teacher I had told me that me, and a few of my friends, looked like the biggest group of stoners for that year haha. Now with my short hair, I dont look like a stoner that much, I just blend in with everyone around me.
always have a band tee/tie dye on, long messy hair, and i wear 'nice' jeans and shoes (because theyre fuckin comfy, alright?)... cant forget the red eyes. so yes, i look like a stoner and proud of it!
Yeah, sort of. I currently have long hair and some stubble going on, and my eyes are red at this exact moment. I also wear some offbeat clothes and people tell me I'm pretty eccentric and odd. But I'm good with hygiene and whatnot. I'd say I have little inklings of being a stoner but I don't flaunt it.
I think stoner stereotypes are begining to disappear. Before it was white people with long hair, beads, grateful dead shirts and black people with the "gangsta" look as the gentlemen above me mentioned. But past 10 years or so its took everyday culture by storm, doctors and lawyers, engineers, pro atheletes ect. are coming out of the closet and saying "Yes...i too toke up" i watch comercials now and its like "how could that comercial not be directed towards a stoner?" shows like weeds, adult swim, G4 all that jazz.
Nope, but if I were skinny then I would right now I'm chunky so I look more like a beer drinker than a smoker.
holy shit. that basically describes what I've been like this entire weekend... that cant be a good thing
Ehhhh.. depends some days. I dress sometimes preppy, and sometimes like a stoner. Just depends on what I want to wear that day I guess. I rock the long hair though. Nothing extreme, but it's definitely says I smoke.
i dunno, i think i look pretty clean cut most of the time, but i must have some glint in my eye or somethin 'cause a lot of people i meet either ask if i blaze or just assume it I suppose if i met me i'd assume im a stoner..