Do you like stoner girls?

Discussion in 'General' started by F4TbluNTZ420, May 25, 2015.

  1. As long as they're not fiends and have this idea that they're entitled to smoke without any product. I'll pack up but don't make it a regular thing. If I just met you at the bar and we're smoking out back, don't pressure me for sitting on the blunt cause I let you take a couple hits.

  2. the ones that aren't like LOLSORANDUM DAM CUZ IM HIGH BRUH XDD, yeah.
  3. Is this a trick question? [​IMG]
    Yes. Of course I like stoner girls. For fuck's sake! Why wouldn't I?
    But I also think that Mark's comment (above) is sooooooo fucking funny!!! 

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