Do You Know The Lingo?

Discussion in 'General' started by ToBaked, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. in my group we call pipes apparatices but thats rly it thats not listed

  2. haha reminds me of the movie Dazed and Confused... i know you've seen it

    goes somethin like

    Slater: Hey mannnn, you cool?
    Mitch: Cool? Like how??
    Slater: ha... whuuutevurr

    ahh thats a great movie.

    edit: just saw your name haha

    Dzien Dobry (My polish is terrible haha)
  3. My friend and I call weed Apple drank. It's a Dave Chappelle thing.
  4. That's funny, back in High School that's what we would say. "Let's get some Ice Cream" or "Time for a bowl of ice cream".

  5. smoking weed = Immolation (named after the death metal band)
  6. wow munchies are called the munchies
    we call drymouth drymouth
    when were tired we say im done
    lol we call weed army men sometimes
  7. Pretty much use just the Regular lingo besides when we smoke me and my friends call it "chilling with bob" Aka Chilling with bob marley.

  8. Different lingo in different places, dude. I've heard onion used for ounces of herb here as well.
  9. wet=cig dipped in embalming fluid
  10. I'm not very discreet. Usually I just ask them "Hey man, you smoke?" then "Well, what about ganj?". If its a friend "Hey man, blunt sesh in half an hour, you down?" But we don't talk about it if we don't feel safe talking about it somewhere.
  11. I'm really new to this. When someone says 100 piece, do they mean 100 ounces? Because in the lingo "piece = 1 ounce".


  12. lol me and my friends used to call smoking weed soccer to hide it from our friends little brother. i think he figured it out pretty fast when somone said they had to fill the soccer ball with water...

    and the fact that we were "playing soccer" outside, with only 4 people, in the winter... inside a parked car....

    and my guess is 100 piece = 10 grams, because a 5 piece is a .5 around here.
  13. Weed= Trees, herb, herbals, pot, ganj, weed, grass.
    Hunger whilst high= munchies, fuckin hungry
    drymouth= cotton mouth, in need of a beverage.
    being high= stoned, good, baked, high, enhanced.
    joint= doobie, joint, fatty, spliff
    blunt= blunt, bluntski
    out of weed= depressed, broke, or dry
  14. (Edited quote)

    I stumbled onto this site, and this is the second thread I've read so far
  15. my dealer and i have an extensive relationship so i find that i am always talking to him about product or weed but we strated doing it in the jargon of finance and stock trade examples

    funds = money
    investment = money or weed
    stock = weed
    bonds= marijuana ussually of higher quiality and specificly a quater in weight.
    %increase or decrease directly related to the price and quality of diffenet product or produce
    product= marijuana
    produce= weed
    fine herbs= weed
    rare flower/s= weed
    trees= weed
    cashed= a cashed bowl
    shipment= large weight at least a quater pound
    elbow = Lb of weed
    QP= quarter pound
    faded= really high
    fading= falling asleep
    "I am being eatin by the abyss!" falling asleep refrence to a legendary (among my friends) gigantic corda-roy bean bag with two king size matresses in it. IT ATE HIGHS. i have never been so high and feeling so good as when i pass out on that thing.
    "the abyss is eating me help!" = some one please pull me up so i do not fall asleep.

    there is more but i am baked and tired of typing.
  16. I always call "hotboxing" clambaking. Same shit, different words.

    Also, those things that you make with rolls of paper towels and softener sheets.

    I've always called it a cheater. Everyone else I know calls it a spoofer.

    Yes, and I always call it either that, or a pillow.
  17. Don't think They're in here..

    Splint- 1/2 weed 1/2 tobacco. Or any proportion of the 2 I.E 60-40 etc.
    Cookies- weed.
    Cookie Jar- Tinnie.

    And I heard spliffs refered to as any other drug(i.e heroin, cocaine etc) with weed in a joint.

    Also Odd question but neither me nor any of my stoner mates have heard of this 4:20 reference. Could someone please explain?
  18. My friends and I call drymouth cottonmouth, and we use most of the other terms around here.

  19. Im pretty sure they got their name from Jefferson Highschool in Daily City. But back in the day they were just Jefferson.

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