I used to go to church until I was about ten, and then I started to think about what it all really meant, which then brought me to the question: “Do people really believe in this stuff?†I used to sit in front of my pastor, and hear him talk about how everything will be great once we went to heaven. That there was no pain, no suffering, no problems, and that we would be able to have everything that we've ever wanted. I began to doubt the existence of heaven, and said that even if it did exist, I didn't know if I wanted to go there because I couldn't picture, or understand, a world where I wouldn't get hurt if I fell off of my bike, or a world where everyone lived together and didn't disagree with each other. This isn't an article about how god doesn't exist, how you're a fool for being religious, or to disrespect any of your knowledge or beliefs. I know that-what many people would call-god exists, but maybe in a way that is unlike your own thinking. This article is my brief take on religion. How many people can say that they really believe in what they've read in the bible, or that they've been taught at church? I would sit in church and ask myself why everyone wasn't getting up and running all over the place screaming about how much they loved god and how they couldn't wait to go to heaven. I always wondered how people could just go on living their lives and committing “sins†if they really and truly knew that they would go to hell for doing bad things. A hell where you would burn forever. FOREVER. Do you know how long forever is? This stuff just blew my mind. I'm rambling, but that's okay. What's truly funny is how people always make fun of those who sincerely know that their religion is right, give their whole selves to it, and go around telling people about it. I used to see people on the subway screaming about the power of god. I've seen people in Union Square trying to teach others the bible (I even heckled one guy in this [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGQqmPfUPto"]video[/ame]), and I've also seen people crying because they've seen the beauty of god. We usually just look at these people and laugh, or regard them as crazy, BUT THEY MAY BE THE ONLY ONES WHO ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THEIR RELIGIONS. Hell, many people consider those who say they hear god in their head as being insane. I don't know man. I don't adhere to any one religion, but I know the things that I know. I don't believe in them, I know them. That's why I make videos talking about the things that I know. I make videos celebrating life in all of it's forms. I even run up to strangers and converse with them about the beauty of life. I'm not saying that you don't believe in your religion if you're not screaming about it every second of the day, but where there is belief there is also doubt. I'm in heaven right now. If I were in a place where it wouldn't hurt if I fell off of my bike, or where people didn't disagree, then I wouldn't be living and this wouldn't be life. In any case, I guess we'll all just have To Wait.
Well first of all, you wouldn't have a bike in Heaven hahaha. There is no use for material items, those are all earthly things and Heaven doesn't contain anything of the sort. And the other point you made, "How could people continue all these sins if they knew they were going to Hell?" If you listened to what else the pastor was saying I would hope he brought up Christ. Christ was the only begotten Son of God that "Whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." God knows we all sin, we're sinners from birth. That's why we need a savior, and the only one who could do that is not us, ourselves, but God Himself. His blood washes away the sins of those who call on Him. I truly believe in the Bible, I feel like there aren't a lot who do today and it's sad. It's either taken way beyond seriously, where we have folks who go to military funerals and parade around saying "God hates war," and others saying "God hates fags." Or we have people that just hang their faith up with their suit and tie after every Sunday service, and don't really care about it that much. Oh, and forever has no length.
We don't understand eternity. We never will. This is one reason (other than to save us from our sins) why God sent Himself in the flesh [Christ]. We understand humans more than any other creature, right? He took upon himself a fleshly body to give us a way to understand Him.
Heaven to me is hell. If there is no pain and suffering, there is no happiness. You can't know what happy is unless you have experienced sadness. My parents and teachers (private christian school) always told me that I would be happy in heaven and that I wouldn't even miss the people who didn't make it. I would be sad, I fucking know I would be sad, spiteful even. If I couldn't feel that, then I am I robot with no free will. And that's hell, not heaven.
Exactly, and if I go to heaven the only way I won't still feel that is if I am either brainwashed and have absolutely no memory of what happened on Earth or if I can physically not feel sadness. Like I said, hell.
This is not the first time I have seen this response about heaven. The answer I have is, you've never been there so why judge it? You're saying how horrible that is when in reality, you don't know if that's truly even the case. Do you see my point? I personally believe that we will remember everyone that we care about, but we will be content with whatever happens to them.
Are you suggesting that we we are also infinite? Because to experience infinite positive, you must have first experienced infinite negative. 2^x
great post and great thread. funny cause i too dont want to go to heaven (not that i would ever want hell btw lol). life here is perfect to what i know. the shitty makes the good, good or better. what do they do in heaven all day? is there even day? fuck man i like day. i like night too fuck man i love it all actually. fuck i dont think there is anything after we die i dont believe in ghosts and or souls floating around us. if that was the case there is trillions of those fuckers and that shit is just wrong and scary, they would be like all up on each other clustered and shit if that was true. lol if all dead people were all in heaven / hell. then fuck man thats trillions of people from all kinds of generations all kinds of fucked up accents and shit, i wouldnt even wanna be with them all up there, shit would get annoying. how would you find ppl you knew. would they look and sound like themesleves? would you be a directory like facebook? idk man, i think when you die it just goes blank. LOL sucks for every human thinking about what happens someone wanna test it and find out?
You can't experience infinite positive and infinite negative. They are infinite, meaning they have no end. How would you switch to infinite negative after experience infinite positive? Vice-versa
So, a robot basically. And I don't know what heaven (hypothetically) is like, no one does. I'm just going by what previous bible teachers have said, my own ideas, and my feelings. And based on all of that heaven sounds like hell. I mean sure if I'm there and I'm happy then cool, I'm happy. But right now, here, that sounds terrible, and I don't want that to change. I don't want to be happy all the time, even if I am happy. Do you get what I mean? Like if I'm in heaven and I'm perpetually content, then I'm not gonna be angry about it. But I want to be able to be mad, and feel sadness, and cry. It's what makes the good stuff worthwhile.
hmmm. so tell me if god is all powerful and all loving why then would he magically impregnate a virgin to have his kid even when he knows the kid is just going to grow up and get tortured to death when he could just as easily snap his fingers and all you have to do is repent and your sins are forgiven. why wouldnt he just make it happen rather then create a person to die when he could get the same result a different way. know wat i mean?
Or giving us the thumbs up. I suppose if heaven exists, I'm sure god would accomodate for each of our needs, but I find that heaven is too clear cut. It isn't that simple. Not just some spot in clouds where we have euphoria. if there is a heaven, it's much more than that.