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Do you know any people who do weird things when they get high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by n00dles, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. For instance I have a friend who's girlfriend passes out as SOON as she hits the bong. & I mean as SOON. She'll take a hit and just collapse on the bed or couch like if she fainted. I think its an act for people to do that. Also had two friends who invited my over to ones house and we are all good friends. We start smoking and next thing I know these two are giggling in the corner drawing dicks on each other. I never hung out with then again.
  2. I mean, I think most people do some goofy and wacky shit while high. I am prone to doing the robot and making beep boop noises with my mouth. I think we all have a stoned quirk. As for passing out, that I've never seen. And as for dick drawing, they probably do that sober. Just a weird thing. Who knows. Just have fun getting high and let others have fun doing what they do.
    I too, make robot noises when I am high. I don't know why.

    I remember when I was like 15, my friend and I smoked some wheelchair weed  (His first time). We walked around town for a bit and he went prone and started army crawling. It was bizarre. He also kept saying vampires are hunting us. He didn't actually think that (Like, he wasn't going into a schizophrenic episode), He's just fuckin' weird, Hahahaha.
  4. There's been a couple times where me and bro have been listening to music and we'll just all of the sudden get up and start dancing like fucking retards.
    Yeah, we're pretty fucking weird, but at least we're weird when we're sober too. :D
    I've done the robot thing too actually. Sometimes I'll be walking home from a session at a friends house and I'll take a step further than that and pretend to be one of those at-st things from star wars, shooting lasers outta my eyes.
    So yeah, being the weird guy that I am, I agree 100% with the whole "Just have fun getting high and let others have fun doing what they do" thing. :D
  6. Dammit now im doing robot noise too
  7. I noticed that the younger the age of the smoker the stupider shit they do.  Usually they do stupid shit but when they smoke up they get more enthusiastic about it.
    As I got older, people are more calm now.  They do funny stuff here and there.
  8. One of my friends cries when she's high. Like she gets so happy and giddy she cries like crazy. It's kinda funny actually.
  9. Sometimes I do. I tend to over analyze everything when Im high haha especially when Im in public​
  10. No, most of my friends aren't kids.
  11. A while ago I went to someones house and this kid smoked a ton with us. After the high kicked in he started acting crazy. Saying he was a demon and blah --. Just weird demonic shit and acted like getting high causes clear hallucinations . Never smoked with him again, that's for sure.
  12. From my experience a LOT of beginners will at some point either fake being high or exaggerate it a lot, because they're still not sure what a real buzz is (hence why they told you five seconds ago that they weren't sure they were high) and they want to live up to their ignorant expectations. Mix that with someone who likes to have attention and sure enough you've got Jimmy pretending to talk to unicorns.
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  13. Im glad i dont annoy other people doing stupid ass shit
  14. This kid I know always mumbles under his breathe and acts like I'm crazy when I ask him what he's saying like he has amnesia. Literally we could be having a conversation, then he goes "wait what?" and I'm like "what?" and then we just stand there in awkward silence. I hate when he does that, it makes me feel unproductive.
  15. Every time I get stoned alone in my room I structure and organize my high, to the point where it becomes annoying and intrusive. Like, I get stoned, realise I'm stoned and then think: 'right, I'm stoned so I want to make the most of it. I'll play GTAIV for 20 minutes, then watch television for 15 minutes. Oh! I'd better listen to some music while I'm still peaking! Oh shit, I forgot food! I should try to cram some web-surfing in there.' etc.
    It's annoying but I can't help myself rationing out my high between different events to try to make the most of the weed. I would NEVER even consider going to sleep when high. Maybe I'm just a super cheap-ass. :D
    I can relate to this. I always want to plan things out in order to enjoy every minute of my high. It takes away some of the fun, though. At times, I find myself tossing my plans away and doing completely random stuff.
  17. When I get high I will be sitting in a chair and if I am too high I will just let my head fall back and I will start breathing out of my mouth while my eyes and neck roll back but it's actually the weed that does it to me anyways I look like a complete freak when I do this. I will also just be talking to someone and have like a narcolepsy attack and my neck will go straight back and I will breathe loudly out of my mouth and start to snore lmfao
  18. Weird not really. Stupid? yes.
  19. One of my ex-girlfriends had a conversation with the furniture once, and then a bust of Julius Cesare. she wasn't just talking to it, she was legitimately hearing them respond and carrying on a conversation. It was quite entertaining at the time, though i later found out she had schizophrenia, which made it less so.
  20. I talk a lot more when im high and get into deep conversations about things and so on. Also I dance more when im high lol!!

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