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Do you have to grind up your weed to smoke it in a J

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hashbrowns742, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I want to roll a J, or gut a cigarette and replace it with weed. But I don't have a grinder. Is it okay to just put bud in there? Or will it not burn right? Thanks
  2. scissors + shot glass works pretty well. you cant just put nugs in a paper
  3. Don't just stuff bud in, it won't work. But you don't need a grinder. Just break it up by hand or with scissors. I break up weed by hand when I roll.
  4. You don't have to use a grinder, but they're good to have. However, if you don't grind your herb, you at least have to break it up into very small pieces with your fingers or with scissors.
  5. should always bust man it burns better and will save you weed
  6. yep just stuff a bunch of fat ass dense nugs in a rolling paper and roll it up...

    no OP you want to grind it down in a grinder or use your hands to break it down and make sure to pick out the stems, you dont want a hole in your J. or you could try using the scissor and shot glass method
  7. Yeah you only need to do it well enough that it all spreads evenly

  8. I agree, if you don't have a grinder, then use scissors and take your time. Ground up will smoke better in anything. :smoke:

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